Online Series: New Mighty Ducks on Disney+

Jan 21, 2011
Watched the first episode yesterday. It seems like it’s a cute show. But, typical Disney, their time table of events seems so off.

Rewatching the series during quarantine made me wonder: In the first movie they are in Pee-Wees (12-13), then they play in the Junior Games (13-14?) and then they go to high school?

The whole ‘diversity’ thing was something that went all the way back in D2. I remember listening to the Quack Attack podcast once where they had the actress that played Tammy Duncan on an episode. She said that everyone was supposed to come back, but with the emergence of Kristie Yamaguchi and other Asian skaters at the time, Disney wanted that ‘influence’ in there.

the most important question is, why wasn’t Jessie Hall in D3?:eek::eek::eek:
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Registered User
Apr 21, 2019
Still doesn't explain how District-5 became such a powerhouse post-Bombay, unless rich families decided to move into the district, or they re-zone the districts
Part of it is in D1 he didn’t want to coach only did it to stay out of jail. He mentions how parents have killed the game by being over barring. He always wanted to be a lawyer and never made it has a hockey player. The new ducks is a traveling AAU team who should have been coached by Charlie and the bash brothers if your going cobra route.

Mr Jiggyfly

Registered User
Jan 29, 2004
Still doesn't explain how District-5 became such a powerhouse post-Bombay, unless rich families decided to move into the district, or they re-zone the districts

Didn’t they find out the districts were drawn wrong and that was why rich kid Banks had to become a Duck?

Or maybe district 5 has changed over the last 28 years and is now a more upper middle class area.

Could be some pretty easy explanations if they touch on that aspect.


Big F$&*in Q
Jan 5, 2005
Ottawa, ON
It was sort of fun, I surprisingly enjoyed it.

Definitely some Cobra-Kai vibes whereby the dialogue is snappy and entertaining.

Scandale du Jour

Mar 11, 2002
Asbestos, Qc
Second episode was much much better.

They REALLY got the tone of the originals right and the updated magic is starting to shine. Of course, some of that magic will rub a certain crowd the wrong way. The messaging is obvious and very 2021.

It is REALLY cheesy, but so were the originals. They are starting to define the characters better (the are bringing back some of the same archetypes, of course) and I like the way they are progressively winning Bombay over.

That scene at the end when Evan gets the team on the ice and calmy teach them stuff was great. Bombay looking at them and clearly thinking "this kid gets it". They are clearly going to rebuild the Charlie/Gordon relationship with Evan and Gordon.
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Jun 4, 2016
Kalamazoo, MI
Reading some of the interviews on line, it sounds like Estevez and Disney went 12 rounds over how EE wanted to have more of a social comment on the current real life situations. But he said Disney pointed out the show is about underdogs and is supposed to be feel good entertainment. Translation: "Emilio, you agree to do this as we want and we will give you money to make you next movie". Estevez has directed about a 1/2 dozen movies in the last 10 year or so. The Way Back with his father Martin is great

Thank god

I can just hear him spewing his social commentary spilled out every sentence


Registered User
Feb 28, 2002
Mojo Dojo Casa House
I think the obvious social commentary in this show is about hockey outpricing many kids from playing it and how some parents are spending so much money on various skills classes. The latter was somewhat addressed already.


Registered User
Oct 13, 2017
I can't even remember the first episode already. I just remember it being extremely corny, and not in a good way.

Between this and the Disney Star Wars, they sure do have a way of taking the worst parts of modern pop culture and amplifying them.

Mr Jiggyfly

Registered User
Jan 29, 2004
I watched the second episode with my daughter yesterday and thought it was much better.

It will never hit the same notes as the original with me, as I was just a kid when I first watched it, but this show could still be a lot of fun.

Some of the one liners that the writers think are clever, hurt the quality of the show - then you are caught between not laughing and thinking about why you aren’t laughing....

Like the Evan and Gordon “This guy” exchange...

It wasn’t funny or clever... it was lame and they have too many of those moments when the dialogue doesn’t flow properly because the writers think they are being cute.

It feels like they are trying too hard to get cheap laughs and it seems so obvious.

It’s just a distracting element I hope they improve upon.
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Jan 21, 2011
Was this ever discussed, even during any of the movies? When did Bombay ‘stop’ playing exactly? Was it the year that they came in second place?

Again, Disney with their events don’t add up lol. Assuming what Hans said in the first one, if Bombay was technically a child prodigy (scored 194 points :eek::eek:) wouldn’t he have been on the Hawks prior to their Second Place season? Or after? He definitely would’ve won accolades lol.


Registered User
Feb 10, 2018
Was this ever discussed, even during any of the movies? When did Bombay ‘stop’ playing exactly? Was it the year that they came in second place?

Again, Disney with their events don’t add up lol. Assuming what Hans said in the first one, if Bombay was technically a child prodigy (scored 194 points :eek::eek:) wouldn’t he have been on the Hawks prior to their Second Place season? Or after? He definitely would’ve won accolades lol.

according to Wikipedia:

Bombay visits his old mentor Hans (Joss Ackland), who owns a nearby sporting goods store and was in attendance at the game against the Hawks. While there, Bombay recalls that he quit playing hockey after losing his father four months before the championship game, and because Reilly blamed him for the loss due to the missed penalty shot.

So he quit the following season after hitting the post? Reilly was still blaming him for last season's what a coach
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Scandale du Jour

Mar 11, 2002
Asbestos, Qc
It's just too damn corny. I had hope, but this series misses the mark. Oh well, at least we have The Mandorian ann WandaVision.

If you are expecting this show to be on the level of The Mandalorian or WandaVision... maybe your expectations were the problems.

Go back and re-watch the originals... it is the same corniness... only more 90s.


Registered User
Aug 23, 2005
Even with the attempt at a more serious tone in the third one with the whole, these kids are growing up, yeah Mighty Ducks is ultimate Cheese with a neat moment thrown in now and then. I thought they had that moment with the Bombay talk about his hockey experience, I thought that was well done. I also loved the idea that they super epic'd the mullet on the Ducks coach, that things got a life of its own.

Mr Jiggyfly

Registered User
Jan 29, 2004
The show is growing on me... maybe because I watch it with my daughter and the show is teaching her a lesson she really needs to learn.

She’s a lot like Sofi and wants to be the best at everything... I keep trying to focus on her having fun, but she wants to make AA major tier 1 this season and she puts way too much pressure on herself.

So while the show has it flaws, I’m hoping their message gets through to my daughter.

That alone will make this show a hit in my books.


Registered User
Feb 28, 2002
Mojo Dojo Casa House
The show is growing on me... maybe because I watch it with my daughter and the show is teaching her a lesson she really needs to learn.

She’s a lot like Sofi and wants to be the best at everything... I keep trying to focus on her having fun, but she wants to make AA major tier 1 this season and she puts way too much pressure on herself.

So while the show has it flaws, I’m hoping their message gets through to my daughter.

That alone will make this show a hit in my books.

I'm liking this show more and more with each episode. This show seems to teach all the right lessons.
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Registered User
Oct 12, 2019
I may be in the minority but the one thing I’ve always hated about Mighty ducks is the fact that it looks like nobody has ever played hockey before. I mean in D3 some kids could barely skate and that is suppose to be such a high level. Why not keep the same message with some actual athletic ability?

Dubi Doo

Registered User
Aug 27, 2008
If you are expecting this show to be on the level of The Mandalorian or WandaVision... maybe your expectations were the problems.

Go back and re-watch the originals... it is the same corniness... only more 90s.
Yeah, maybe I've outgrown it. Oh well, I can watch it with my son when he's old enough, and enjoy it that way.

I’m in awe of the fact that people have watched the original Mighty Ducks movies without realizing they’re unbearably corny.

They had a kid on the ice with a freakin lasso
I havent seen them in years, and thought I'd still be able to rock with it. Not the case for me, but to each their own.
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Mr Jiggyfly

Registered User
Jan 29, 2004
I'm liking this show more and more with each episode. This show seems to teach all the right lessons.

Ya, I’m kind of looking fwd to watching the show each week after the last two episodes.

In real life these kids could never beat a team like the Ducks with kids who have been playing and pushed since they were like four years old, even with Sofi’s help.

However, it will be interesting to see if Disney takes that path and if it is even semi-realistic.

Mr Jiggyfly

Registered User
Jan 29, 2004
I may be in the minority but the one thing I’ve always hated about Mighty ducks is the fact that it looks like nobody has ever played hockey before. I mean in D3 some kids could barely skate and that is suppose to be such a high level. Why not keep the same message with some actual athletic ability?

Lots of the kids in the old show and this one look like they are pretty good, but it’s the way they advance the kids who can barely skate into good players in a few months or so.

Hockey takes a ton of skill and you need to learn two extremely difficult skills (hockey and skating).

Kids who can barely skate at 10, 11, 12 aren’t going to catch up to kids who have been playing all their lives in short order, if ever.
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