Neutral View on USA vs. Russia

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Markov said:
All he said was to take a little more objective look at the game. That's something we can all do today since last night was just filled with nationalistic pride on BOTH sides.

that is pretty much all i wanted to say. This tournament should be celebrated for how great ALL the players and teams are that are in it. It should not be a cause to glorify your own team and degrade the opposition
2forsbergaura1 said:
Russian players have a VERY different mentality from the American players. Russian players dont believe in cheap shots and they especially dislike hits from behind and such. To them, thats an INSULT, to hit someone from behind ,when that player is helpless and cant really know whats coming.


Edit:You got that righ the evil n. americans love to hit from behind specifically, we try to kill the player. If not hopefully he is paralyzed. So those russians better watch the game against the canadians. They will be head hunting. If you see one in the area dont turn your back to him , because he will surely try to sucker punch you.

Be carefull . You guys better put your stop signs on your back.

Tell me you really dont believe what you posted.
topshelf331 said:

You got that righ the evil n. americans love to hit from behind specifically, we try to kill the player. If not hopefully he is paralyzed. So those russians better watch the game against the canadians. They will be head hunting. If you see one in the area dont turn your back to him , because he will surely try to sucker punch you.

Be carefull
Tell me you really dont believe what you posted.

I dont think you really got the drift of what i said. I dont think that U.S. players are told to do cheap shots. I dont thinnk U.S. players really want to play that style. I do think that in THIS GAME there were a number of rather dirty cheap shots that took place.
What i meant to say, is that in the NHL cheap shots do take place sometimes, not just from U.S. players, but from Canadians and even Russians. But in the Russian leagues, such stuff is less common...not because Russian players are angels, but because they dont play like that. They may do other negative things, like taunting, that is not any better...but they are just not used to hits from behind of this sort.
Markov said:
All he said was to take a little more objective look at the game. That's something we can all do today since last night was just filled with nationalistic pride on BOTH sides.

But he did that while trying to give his own biased opinion about why the Russians showboated and taunted and he has the guts to name his thread : "Neutral view on USA vs Russia". It was anything but neutral.

I also admit any message he might try to drive home will inevitably get lost because of the bad habit he has to write every two words in caps.
Im pretty sure that NBC and ESPN focus on the American Teams because its BROADCASTING TOWARDS AMERICANS! I have never watched TV in Canada, but I doubt they give as much time towards the Americans or any other country as they do there own team.
E = CH² said:
But he did that while trying to give his own biased opinion about why the Russians showboated and taunted and he has the guts to name his thread : "Neutral view on USA vs Russia". It was anything but neutral.

I also admit any message he might try to drive home will inevitably get lost because of the bad habit he has to write every two words in caps.

Yeah, I thought his so-called "objectivity" was pretty, well... shallow. Let's just cut the garbage and label last night's game for what is: A hard fought, at times dirty contest (from both sides), that ended with an immature showboating display by the victor. Neither Russia or the U.S. can claim moral superiority in this one.
Herbie Verstinks said:
Im pretty sure that NBC and ESPN focus on the American Teams because its BROADCASTING TOWARDS AMERICANS! I have never watched TV in Canada, but I doubt they give as much time towards the Americans or any other country as they do there own team.

Whoa! What a mindblowing concept! An American television network catering to Americans? Are you crazy?!?!?! How dare an American television network focus on the U.S. team and American players?!?!?!
2forsbergaura1 said:
Russian players dont believe in cheap shots and they especially dislike hits from behind and such. To them, thats an INSULT, to hit someone from behind ,when that player is helpless and cant really know whats coming. So yes, although penalties were called for most of that still left the Russian players with a "bad taste in their mouth." So although i dont approve of what the Russian players did by taunting...i do feel that there were no ANGELS in this game.

You know - the sentiment you claim to be supporting is good, but your actual text does not support it at all - to the point of being laughable. Talk about gross generalizations and national slander or setting up "ANGELS". To suggest that Russians play to some higher moral code is a joke.

You are simply feeding the nationalistic hype you criticized under the ruse of supposed "neutrality". Yeah, right.
Rabid Ranger said:
Whoa! What a mindblowing concept! An American television network catering to Americans? Are you crazy?!?!?! How dare an American television network focus on the U.S. team and American players?!?!?!

Yes they should have focused on Franz Johnassen the swede no one ever heard of instead of a hometown boy that you can feel good about.
gb701 said:
You know - the sentiment you claim to be supporting is good, but your actual text does not support it at all - to the point of being laughable. Talk about gross generalizations and national slander or setting up "ANGELS". To suggest that Russians play to some higher moral code is a joke.

You are simply feeding the nationalistic hype you criticized under the ruse of supposed "neutrality". Yeah, right.

i dont think i was feeding a nationalistic hype. Russian players dont play to a higher code at their taunting has shown. some of them also DIVE as they did in this game. others, like Ovechkin, are just selfish players. if i was nationalitistic, i would not say this about Russian players.
The reason why i entitled this A NEUTRAL discourse, is because i really dont have any nationalistic or patriotic ties. I have seen some horrible things in Russia that make me not be patriotic to it. Yet i'm also not patriotic to the USA since i've seen some negatives here too. I dont like to be labelled American, or Russian or whatever else people label me. I watch sports for the fun of it and when people start taking sides just cause they were born me that kills the fun of the sport.
Excellent post. I'm also thoroughly sick of fanatic patriotism and childish bickering/trolling/gloating...
Herbie Verstinks said:
Yes they should have focused on Franz Johnassen the swede no one ever heard of instead of a hometown boy that you can feel good about.

I understand where you guys aer coming from. and yes, the US should focus more on its they do in Russia and in every other country. it is NATURAL to do that, i agreed with that before.

What i dont agree with is when commentators side with their own players just cause they are their players. Showing the worse of the taunting in 10 replays...and talking about it nonstop, that to me is being very biased towards your own nation. If they were to say even a few things about how negative the cheap shots were...i wouldnt mind the other stuff
Rabid Ranger said:
Whoa! What a mindblowing concept! An American television network catering to Americans? Are you crazy?!?!?! How dare an American television network focus on the U.S. team and American players?!?!?!

There's a total difference between showcasing your country and it's players and being blatent homers about it.The commentating all game was "Ovechkin takes the puck up the ice...Hold on! Is that Phil Kessel sitting on the bench taking a drink of water?! Look at Kessel's form when he is squeezing the bottle.His placement of the water bottle also shows great poise. Simply stunning!" Of course this wasnt what was acctually said(pretty close though), but the commentators were riding Team USA's jock all night. Hell, they even asked Wayne questions about Kessel. Why the hell would you ask the comesar of Team Canada about an American player??

I understand that they have to ride Kessel's jock since he's the "next big american", but im willing to bet VERY FEW people who didnt know Kessel prior to this tournament will be interested in following the USNTDP after the tourney.
2forsbergaura1 said:
i dont think i was feeding a nationalistic hype. Russian players dont play to a higher code at their taunting has shown. some of them also DIVE as they did in this game. others, like Ovechkin, are just selfish players. if i was nationalitistic, i would not say this about Russian players.
The reason why i entitled this A NEUTRAL discourse, is because i really dont have any nationalistic or patriotic ties. I have seen some horrible things in Russia that make me not be patriotic to it. Yet i'm also not patriotic to the USA since i've seen some negatives here too. I dont like to be labelled American, or Russian or whatever else people label me. I watch sports for the fun of it and when people start taking sides just cause they were born me that kills the fun of the sport.

First of all, I agree with you on the main point. But stick to it, and leave out the "Russian players don't believe in the cheap shot" crap - as many Russian players are on the edge or take that cheap shot as Americans, or Canadians, or whatever. In fact, there is quite a debate about the tendencies of players out of different systems to use sticks as opposed to fighting, etc. that has been going on for decades now.

It is enough to note that in last night's game, like most games, each team gave as good as it got, and leave it at that. In terms of playing good "clean" hockey with some class - neither team last night should take particular pride in their actions.

And, I will say this - if Ovechkin and crowd try it against the Canadians, they are going to regret it on the scoreboard, and on the ice.
2forsbergaura1 said:
What i dont agree with is when commentators side with their own players just cause they are their players. Showing the worse of the taunting in 10 replays...and talking about it nonstop, that to be is being very biased towards your own nation. If they were to say even a few things about how negative the cheap shots were...i wouldnt mind the other stuff

lol, the commentators were actually AT THE GAME and you were at home in your cardboard box watching it only being able to see what the camerman showed you. There could have been more that went on that we weren't able to see. Please ****.
DynamoAO said:
There's a total difference between showcasing your country and it's players and being blatent homers about it.The commentating all game was "Ovechkin takes the puck up the ice...Hold on! Is that Phil Kessel sitting on the bench taking a drink of water?! Look at Kessel's form when he is squeezing the bottle.His placement of the water bottle also shows great poise. Simply stunning!" Of course this wasnt what was acctually said(pretty close though), but the commentators were riding Team USA's jock all night. Hell, they even asked Wayne questions about Kessel. Why the hell would you ask the comesar of Team Canada about an American player??

I understand that they have to ride Kessel's jock since he's the "next big american", but im willing to bet VERY FEW people who didnt know Kessel prior to this tournament will be interested in following the USNTDP after the tourney.

You answered a lot of your own questions in your own post.
gb701 said:
First of all, I agree with you on the main point. But stick to it, and leave out the "Russian players don't believe in the cheap shot" crap - as many Russian players are on the edge or take that cheap shot as Americans, or Canadians, or whatever. In fact, there is quite a debate about the tendencies of players out of different systems to use sticks as opposed to fighting, etc. that has been going on for decades now.

It is enough to note that in last night's game, like most games, each team gave as good as it got, and leave it at that. In terms of playing good "clean" hockey with some class - neither team last night should take particular pride in their actions.

And, I will say this - if Ovechkin and crowd try it against the Canadians, they are going to regret it on the scoreboard, and on the ice.

I really wasnt talking about this topic to say that Russian players are cleaner or something. I already stated a few times that no country is more classy than another, each country's players can be dirty in one way or another. Why i spoke about this topic is to try to point out to people why the Russian players were so mad about the cheap shots. Russian players do other unclassy things in Russia, like taunting, diving, being plain out selfish, etc...thats their negative style of play at times! But in the Russian league u dont see as many hits from behind as u would see in the U.S....not because Russians are more clean, but because thats just how things are! So all I was trying to say is that the Russian players are less used to such play...not that they are CLEANER or something.
Herbie Verstinks said:
He's a goalie though, lol.

He's also a nugget and a sieve and a terrible commentator and he has a terrible voice.
2forsbergaura1 said: can u not love good old PANGER? he's adorable

thats true, you can carry him in the front pocket of your shirt.
2forsbergaura1 said: can u not love good old PANGER? he's adorable

I want to throw a dodgeball sack over him and hit him with a wiffle ball bat.
am i the only one that saw one of the russians cant remember who go down and as they panned the camera in on his face you could see him digging away to get blood coming out to get the 4 min pen
rubear said:
am i the only one that saw one of the russians cant remember who go down and as they panned the camera in on his face you could see him digging away to get blood coming out to get the 4 min pen



Oh man, post of the year right here.

Yea, he pulled a razor out of his trunks and cut his forehead, a la WWF.
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