That was awesome. Couldn’t have happened to a nicer douche owner (Ishbia), who was basically the guy who acquired Durant and Beal. He blew up the team because he “knows a little something” about basketball. He is VERY involved.
Stupid prick. The team has no future, like, at all. They have their 2024 draft pick (which will be in the 20’s), and zero cap space. They don’t have any other picks (save their 2nd one year) until 2031. They are now part of “Apron 2” of the salary cap, so they are very limited in what they are allowed to do.
They *cannot* sign any FA’s above the vet minimum (they *can* sign their own — Royce O’Neale — but if he leaves, they cannot replace him). They had TEN guys on vet minimums this past year, and we saw how that worked out

They *cannot* bundle salaries together to get a better player via trade.
They *cannot* use their 6.5m trade exemption.
They *cannot* trade their 2024 pick, to try and get a better player.
They *cannot* trade away salary unless they take back the same amount (or less) as a one for one deal.
They basically have to run it back, with the same cast (means they really have to resign O’Neale, who they traded for at the last deadline. He’s making 9m now, so even if they give him a small bump to 10m a season, it has disastrous effects on their cap = 55m in added luxury taxes!). The same cast that got swept by the 3rd seed in the west. Wasn’t even a top 2 seed!
They are totally f***ed, and it couldn’t happen to a nicer Douche. I love it!!!