Frankly I'd be just as happy to have him playing 1C in Milwaukee right now.I feel like the chance to run Svechkov in a top-six role is now or never..
There is definitely a part of me that is convinced he's going to be on the chopping block soon and I want to make sure Waddell brings him up here.It’s pretty wild to me that the only piece of the youth movement from 22-23 left is Evangelista. For all of them to regress so heavily is definitely telling.
He's going to have to figure out a way to convince Brunette to play him first. I'm not sure how easy that will be for a player of his style?Everyone might enjoy Vrana for twenty games or so. Thats usually when he produces the most goals.
Novak was about to turn 28. I don't think it's strictly age. It's at least partly the playing style too.He is 29 so he might get to play.