Not directed at you personally as I can't remember each persons point of view, but welcome to tanking. Seriously, for anyone who wanted to tank to win a Cup this is the level of play you can expect to see for the next 4-5 years. If you can't handle that then you have zero business talking about tanking ever again.
Now as far as the roster for next year goes, a good coach with a good basic system that uses his players strengths can mean the team is better. Alot of that too depends on just exactly who gets shipped out and who all comes in, but this team isn't this bad. Ok well with all of the injuries and such maybe the Dcore really is this bad, but early in the season that was all coaching imo. Poor system and dumb roster decisions.
Yeah the hope is pretty tapped out right now. There is some good players coming on the horizon but I'm not sure any of those guys are even on a Forsberg level, let alone the step above that. Maybe this draft fixes that, but until we see that outcome its hard to grab onto that as a glimmer of anything.
I think with the right coach we can see at least a tolerable team to watch over the course of the next couple of years, but if Brunette is still around then next year won't be any different than this one. Luckily I don't think that happens. I think ticket sales behind the scences is going to push Trotz to do something, but even if he doesn't a rough start will pretty much insure he has no choice but to get rid of him. You can't talk about having a culture of learning to win and then allow a coach to stick around that isn't winning anything.
Ultimately as fans I think we just gotta ride it out and hope in the next 3-5 years things are a little easier to swallow. Until then people just need to adjust expectations and be pleasantly surprised if we are anywhere near the playoff hunt.