If I were picking the team...
Spare - Nash
Spare - Bouwmeester
My explanation for some of the choices.
Crosby and Thornton over Stall and St. Louie.
If you base the team selection on performance to date, Stall clearly gets the call. However, Stall brings a lot of the same qualities that Thornton brings...and at this point, I'd take Thornton over Stall and Thornton also has more international experience than Stall.
On the big ice surface, Crosby's speed, agility and tenacity will be a key asset. I think that Crosby's explosiveness and enthusiasm will benefit the team sort of like Theo Fleury did in previous Olympics. While the rest of the team takes time to re-learn to play on the international ice and get going, Crosby's natural ability will kick in right away like Fleury's did and give our team a fighting chance in the early goings. I think that Crosby will be better in this regard and faster than St. Louis, who hasn't been as dynamic as during his MVP season.
Also, Crosby's shootout prowse will be more important than Stall's or St. Louis'.
Nash over Bertuzzi and Stall
Nash doesn't really belong there based on this season and I think that it will be a while before he gets going but I would prefer him over Big Bert since Nash's shown that he fits in very well with Thornton. Also, Bert has not shown that he can play at this level, on the Interanational ice, let alone shown that he can excell in the new NHL so far.
Nash is more of a goal scorer while Stall is more of a all around player. We need more snipers on this squad since most top players for Canada are centres or converted centres who are more set up oriented.
J-Bo over Jovocop and McCabe
Although he hasn't shown it this year, JBo has shown at the last World Cup that he could be better than most of the defensemen listed here and certainly better than Jovocop who was mistake prone at that tournament.
I'm not sure McCabe has enough natural talent to quickly learn to play on the international ice at this level of play. He's scored a lot of points in the new NHL but at least in my mind, verdict is still out on him and he's more one dimensional than all the others listed here.
JBO doesn't score alot yet, but he's a better defender than the two listed here and he's more all around. Also, this would be key for the next Olympics to have a young guy like JBO get some experience. You might argue Phaneuf but as good as Phaneuf is, he's still very green and has shown that he can compete at this level on the Olympic ice...and frankly, JBo is a better all around defenseman at this point.
Theodore and Luongo over Joseph
As good as Joseph has been this year, he's always struggled when put on the high pressure, must win situation. Sorry to say because he's a super guy but Joseph's just not a winner. He blew it at the '96 World cup, he blew it at Salt Lake City and he's blown it on lesser stages during his NHL career. There are also bitter feelings between Joseph and Quinn and the rest of the coaching staff no matter who denies it.
Theodore has won in internation tournaments before. I believe he was the last Canadian goalie to win the Gold at WJC before last year's all star squad.
Same for Luongo. Although he's only won a Silver on a favoured team at WJC, he's learned how to win and has won Gold at World Championships and proved that he can handle the pressure at last year's World Cup as well.
So there it is. My team if I were Wayne Gretzky.