I just read it and why is everyone calling him a coward! He doesn't want to play how does that make him a coward.
Half of u guys were complaining about Phoenix playing with guests ad how Calgary skates with Obie or winnepeg slap shots, he choose to sim it a he felt the guy glitches. I've done the same. As STL I messages saying I'd play out game 1v1 that's it. Does that make me a coward. No!
So if u r calling leaf fan a coward then stop the endless *****ing about everyone else. Like this league was great season 1 and has now just become filled with complaints it's annoying. Basically 4 threads have been filled with complaints
Phoenix is a whole other issue. Guests give you a definite unfair advantage. You could sit 2 guys at the line and wait for passes. It's cowardly that he won't play because he thinks his play style is cheap... Everyone says you can stop it, I stopped WPGs slappers, haven't played CGY yet but have friends that played and beat him. They said it was pretty simple since he relies on his single move, once you take it away he has nothing else. Avoiding games will ruin this league, I guarantee it.