Mock FA Part2[No more posts in this thread]


Registered User
Dec 25, 2011
LTIR or golf course
Latest updates. UFA auction will last until 3PM MT, Monday, May 11th. Open to changes You have to have roster post with following this listed before you can sign or re-sign UFAs: player cap hits who are on NHL roster and who have cap hit of more than 925K, total cap, total number of contracts and all players who are under contract listed in that post. Buyouts can't be done nor can offers to UFAs be changed/withdrawn anymore. You can post your NHL rosters if you're done with UFA, to speed up the waiver process.

NEW: Pre-waiver rosters
One posts cap compliant NHL roster that has at least 20 players (18 skaters, 2G) and 23 at most. Anyone outside that roster that is waiver eligible will be waived. After one has posted the final rosters, no one is allowed to be waived anymore (waiver eligible players can be sent down). Deadline for posting pre-waiver rosters is set at 3PM MT, Tuesday May 12th, 24 hours after FA. If you won't or don't have room to claim anyone on waivers, this is your final roster. Trades are still allowed. If rosters aren't posted by Tuesday 3PM MT, they will be done for you. No one can't be claimed before that nor can any player be waived after that (or after all pre-waiver rosters are done for everyone).

UFA Rules

Remember that no UFA re-signings are allowed until you have posted on your roster post a list of all players that have contracts, cap hit for players on your NHL roster and ones that have cap hit of over 0,925K, total cap and number of contracts.

UFA offers can be seen in post #3. I hope everyone participates here and gives their opinions on other teams offers. We'll start with every team being allowed to make their offers but if opinions (whether it's approvals or rejections) are coming slowly, only certain amount of teams can have their offers approved at once. Players that don't have team name in front of them, won't be re-signed by their previous team.

UFA re-signing list is a long one but i hope everyone goes through all of it and the final (pages) of this thread to see who needs opinions. The more often, the better.

-Any UFA cannot be re-signed until after the draft has been completed AND RFA-signings have been completed with one exception (more on them later).
-Any re-signing will have to have at least 5 different posters agree that it is fair, to prevent teaming up, that can still be overruled if the contract is outrageous (IE Sekera for $4m per)
-After the draft has completed, teams have 72 hours to re-sign their UFAs or their rights are lost.
-Once the UFA period opens, the UFA group will be up for auction.
-The auction winners will be determined by a combination of AAV and contract length. In a case of a tiebreaker, higher AAV wins the bid. For example 3yrs, 4 mil AAV loses to 4yrs, 3.25 mil AAV offer. But wins against 4 yrs, 3 mil AAV offer.
-In the case AAV is same, posters who aren't running for the player, consider bids from the sides making offer and think factors like location, recent team success future, player's role on the team etc. and decide what would be the best option for the player.
-Once a player has been 'bid' on, a 72 hour window starts where teams can enter their contract terms. NOTE: extended until Monday 3PM, MT
- NEW UFAs aren't allowed to be signed by particular team until the team has announced their full rosters, cap hits, with contracts and contract #s. A good example of info that it needs to provide is this post on the Stars roster. There is still around a week or so to do that, so it shouldn't be a problem to get one done.
- NEW After the draft has been completed, there will be a short time period to do final trades, say, 24 hours. After that rosters are finalized with waivers and sending players to juniors/Europe.
- NEW Offers for players that have cap hit at or under 1mil need only 36 hours from when they were made without counter offer to be approved. BUT ALL deals at or under 1mil (no bonuses in this game) must be offered before Sunday 3PM. All deals at or under 1mil made after Sunday 3PM (includes ELC) will be rejected.
- NEW You're allowed to change or withdraw your offers until Sunday 3PM, MT. After that no offers can be changed or withdrawn. Please don't go back and forth all the time with your offers but reasonable fixing is fine. If you withdraw or change your offer, you have to PM the previous highest bidder (if there is one) to notify him about it and post the change/withdrawal you have made in this thread.

That 3PM MT isn't set in stone. If team A has had the leading offer for a UFA but team B matches within 1 hour of UFA period closing, team A gets an extra hour to counter.

Of course, almost every team would like to have a player like Sekera but if you think Kings offer for him is fair and one he would take, support it. Let's try to be fair with that.

RFA Rules

RFAs will follow similar rules to UFAs, except teams never lose their rights. So any re-signing should follow the 5 person acceptance rule. If you just plan to qualify RFA(s) please announce that too or if you plan not to offer anything for RFA(s). Any offer sheet will be the same. Offer sheet compensations are the same as last year. As offers sheets use picks from 2016 draft and on and those draft picks can't be traded, we'll assume that every team has them.

NEW Before the draft, RFA re-signings came pretty slow, due to lack of approvals (or rejections). So please give your thoughts on other team offers, whenever possible. If they still go slowly, we may have to set a rule that if poster doesn't give his opinion on at least 3 different teams UFAs, he'll lose his UFAs and is not allowed to participate in UFA auction. Hopefully we don't have to go that far.

NEW Rest of the RFA signings will be done before the UFA period, unless one consistently lowballs his players and gets lot of rejections, we'll start the UFA period anyway. Assuming those RFAs were qualified and are eligible for offer sheets, they can be offer sheeted. If one can't get his RFAs signed due to lack of approvals, extra time will be given.

Draft Rules, READ

The 2015 Avs Board Mock Draft will start at 12PM noon Mountain Time on Friday April 24th.

There will be a time frame available to make your pick, if you cannot make the pick in that time frame, a player will be selected for you (it will be the highest ranked North American skater available by central scouting). We all know that people sleep, so there will be a tad bit of leeway overnight. Now obviously everybody can't take the max limit of hours or we would never finish, so please pick as soon as you are ready. For any traded picks during the draft, the clock will not reset. Time frame is six hours for 1st round picks. Four hours for 2nd and 3rd round picks. Only 1 hour to make the remaining picks in the draft. This is open to changes, depending how fast or slow the draft goes and is pretty much guaranteed to change at some point so watch out for that. The draft clock ticks between 8AM and 10PM MT. You are allowed to make your pick outside that time frame and it's advisable if you can do it.

If you can't make your pick in time, it's ok, it happens (I'm Finnish so I assume I'll miss a pick or too if I haven't traded them all). If you know you can't make your pick in time, PM me, TV (she's out until next week so use me or Hench before that) or Hench with a list of players you'd like to take there (assuming they are still available, otherwise we'll go with next CS NA player). Or you could leave that pick just to be chosen by someone else who agrees to do it for you. The more comprehensive list (in order of preference) you give, the better chance you get one of your players as many of them might be gone by the time your pick is gone. Obviously if there's only one pick between you, only 2 player list is necessary etc.

After you've made your pick, always, ALWAYS, PM the next poster that his/her turn is up. If previous poster didn't PM you and your pick was wauto-picked, we can allow you to re-pick if the player you wanted hasn't been taken. Assuming you announce this pretty close to your draft pick position, not something like 20 picks later.

I'll update the post #2 with the picks and try to give info on OP on where the draft is going (mid-1st, early 4th etc.) but I'm not always here so check the final page of the thread. Make sure your spelling is correct with the your draft pick names. To make sure, search for the thread on the player name you're going to pick to make sure the player hasn't already been taken. If you pick a player that has been already been taken and don't correct it immdeidately, there may be a punishment (that draft pick drops down by 5 spots). I might be late with updates on post #2 so just looking at it might not be enough.

Trades are of course allowed through out the draft.

So, we did this last year and Hench, me and TV were talking about this and would like to do it again, if we can get 30 GMs. We discussed about some changes. Adds, corrections etc. are recommendable if you have them.

This will be a full 7 round mock draft, if we can get everybody to play along. Last year we knew the draft order but we would like to do this quicker as the real draft and FA kind of killed this. So we'll go with regular season standings for draft order. We can wait until the draft lottery and see who gets the 1st overall pick. other than that, Sabres get the 1st pick, Coyotes the 2nd etc. until the Rangers which get the 30th pick (assuming no previous trades).

Current picks owned by teams are what is shown in here. Conditional picks in which the conditions are yet to be determined will not be put in use. For example, Oilers have the 5th round pick from the Habs that they got from the Jeff Petry trade (would become 4th if Habs advance to 2nd round and 3rd if they advance to conference finals).

Any player or their rights can be traded, and picks can be traded between GMs. No limits to how many trades you can make, but no future draft picks (beyond 2015 draft) or conditionals shall be traded.

Unlike last year, Avs are also available for a mock use.

NEW Waiver rules

First I apologize for not notifying this sooner. We didn't get to UFA the last time so didn't think about the roster finalization until lately. However, there is still plenty of time to make necessary adjustments so you won't lose talented players via waivers. This is also unlikely to affect significantly more than few teams if that and those teams should be able to make adjustments. I'd assume most keep those players as 13F or 7D as this mock doesn't care a crap about those players development or feelings.

A list of 'significant' players that have to pass through waivers are on post #3. It won't include the likes of Seguin and Landeskog obviously but they'll obviously have to go through and will get claimed. List does include the likes of Stefan Elliott and Joey Hishon. It won't include the likes of Ben Street, Karl Stollery or Paul Carey or other marquee players that won't pop to my eyes when I scan through the team rosters. One is allowed to claim them but they have to be mentioned in this thread specifically. If one does want some player(s) that much that isn't on the list, he should be able to notice that player(s) is/are not on the final roster (everyone publishes those after UFA is done and preferably most of it is done sooner) or on my waiver list . I'll help with finding out what that/those players waiver status is if you can't or don't know how to do it. Send me a PM. The sooner the better.

Basically if a player isn't on the final roster, he is sent down and will go through waivers if he fills the criteria. One is allowed to waive players that don't have NMC. This will be harder to check on some cases with no capgeek though.

I'll take requests if you want to check on some player(s) waiver status. Doesn't have to be just your own players.

Waiver claim order will follow the order of reverse standings what they were as this mock started. Basically the draft order. I'll post it after the draft is done if it's not clear. Be careful with the 50 contract rule. I'll post a list of players waived (again, not every player) and everyone has 24 hours to tell who they want to claim. Basically, post a list of players you want to claim, nothing else. Doesn't matter when you do it during that 24 hour period, as long as you do it if you want to claim someone. Claiming order will still be the reverse standings.

Layman's version here on waiver rules. Rule of thumb: Every skater who signed their NHL contract 2012 or before and played pro (not juniors or NCAA) 2012-13 season, has to go through waivers unless he was 19 or younger and played 10 or less games in NHL that season. This applies to most players born in 1992, so mostly 2010 draftees and earlier and some 2011 draftees. Goalies have an extra year. The date when player signed his NHL contract is easy to check with google. I've done it for a 10 players or so and found out the answer on the first page.

There is still plenty of time to finalize your roster and prepare for waivers. As of now (30th April) it's likely more than a week away.

NTC Rules

Trade will go through unless 5 posters think the trade isn't realistic. Posters have to tell their reasoning.

Some of this stuff is hard to track with no capgeek but we'll see what we can do. Hockeybuzz, NHLnumbers, spotrac and war-on-ice are sites where you can find contract stuff. war-on-ice has at least Patrice Bergeron contract different that other sites (higher cap hit by 375K) but we'll go with other sites info in that one as Bruins also announced those numbers.

Some additional rules/clarifications

We are going with the assumption that Slava Voynov is excluded and no team can sign him.

If you have two teams in this mock, you're not allowed to make a trade between those two teams.

Cap is set at 70.5 million. Hard cap. Unlike in NHL offseason, teams aren't allowed to go over it. Any transactions that will result a team having higher average annual salary will be rejected. Minimum of 20 man rosters are required.

Unless noted otherwise we'll follow the rules of the current CBA.

Last year posters were free to choose any team they wanted after they entered the mock but we are planning to go with lottery this time around. I'm #1, Hench is #2 and TV is #3. First person to enter besides us will be #4 and the next one #5 until all 30 spots are taken. Then, either me, Hench, TV or whoever, will do a number generator with those 30 numbers (there are tons of them out there) and posters are free to choose any team when their order comes (except for the last poor guy). Say If #15 is first and #27 is second and #9 is third, #15 is feel to choose any team, #27 any of the remaining teams as is #9 all the way until all of them are taken. We'll give 5 hours (between (8AM and 10 PM MT but you're allowed to make your pick outside of that time frame, it's even advisable if it's possible) to choose a team but it's preferable you make your pick as soon as possible. Remember to PM the next poster. If poster fails to choose a team in that time frame the next team will be chosen automatically; next team alphabetically .

Hench, TV and me liked these rules but additions, corrections, recommendations, feel free to give them.
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Registered User
Dec 25, 2011
LTIR or golf course
Picks, roster and GM links

Draft list can be seen on the old thread where the space it takes doesn't matter.

Your roster must have all contracts listed, total cap, cap hits and total contract amount before you can sign UFAs. Rosters NOT approved so far: Anaheim, Columbus, Florida, Los Angeles, NY Rangers, Tampa Bay, Vancouver

Anaheim: BoxOfChocolates
Arizona: Skip2myBordyloo, roster
Boston: RumpleSnipeSkin, roster
Buffalo: AslanRH, roster
Calgary: landy92mack29, roster
Carolina: UncleRisto, roster
Chicago: Tweaky, roster
Colorado: Tigervixxxen, roster
Columbus: CoachBadkitten
Dallas: Henchman24, roster
Detroit: PAZ, roster
Edmonton: AslanRH, roster
Florida: SuperJoe, roster
Los Angeles: jrmysell, roster
Minnesota: lonelybadger, roster
Montreal: predshabs, roster
Nashville: StayAtHomeAv, roster
Islanders: UncleRisto, roster
Rangers: Congo Jack, roster
New Jersey: landy92mack29, roster
Ottawa: IC, roster
Philadelphia: IC, roster
Pittsburgh: StayAtHomeAv, roster
San Jose: forsbergavs32 , roster
St. Louis: Avsboy, roster
Tampa Bay: jrmysell, roster
Toronto: lonelybadger, roster
Vancouver: BrickAHL
Washington: Tweaky, roster
Winnipeg: Pierce Hawthorne, roster
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Registered User
Dec 25, 2011
LTIR or golf course
UFA auction/signing post. Signed players are on post #4.

UFA re-signing period ends on Wednesday and UFA auction starts if there are no pending offers left (open to changes).

UFA list offers may no be updated so check the final page(s) of the thread.

UFA list. Doesn't include all UFAs, like European free agents. One is still allowed to sign them, assuming they don't already have contract with an European team. Can't be approved until roster post is done. All dollar amounts are AAV. If number of years isn't listed, it's a 1yr deal. Deals in bolded are confirmed.

NOTE: Starting from 2015 season, the max ELC deal can have 950K salary (without bonuses which we don't have in this game) and that much can also be buried in AHL.

Rights|Player, Position|Best offer/pending offer, New team

|Beagle, Jay RW |2x1,1mil, NYI
|Beauchemin, Francois D|4yrs, 4,55 mil, FLA
|Beleskey, Matt RW |4yrs, 3,5mil, MIN
|Benoit, Andre D |575K, WPG
|Bergenheim, Sean LW|1.4 mil, WPG
|Bolland, Dave C|4yrs, 3 mil, SJ
|Cullen, Matt C|2yrs, 2.5mil, WPG
|Dillon, Brendan D|7yrs, 4.3mil, MTL
|Downie, Steve RW |3yrs, 1.5mil, SJ
|Fleischmann, Tomas RW|2mil, CAR
|Franson, Cody D|4yrs, 3.5 mil, TOR
|Campbell, Gregory C|750K, TBL
|Green, Mike D |6yrs, 5.5mil, TBL
|Hodgson, Cody C|2yrs, 2,4mil, COL
|Jackman, Barret D |1mil, DET
|Irwin, Matt D |2x1,5mil BUF
|Kopecky, Tomas RW |2yrs, 1.5 mil, WPG
|Laich, Brooks LW|2x1,25mil, MIN
|Lupul, Joffrey LW|3yrs, 4,3mil, NJ
|Matthias, Shawn LW |2yrs, 2,1mil, ARI
|Meszaros, Andrej D |2mil, CAR
|Nikitin, Nikita D|2yrs 1,75mil, WPG
|Oduya, Johnny D |4yrs, 4,5 mil, SJ
|Pominville, Jason RW |4yrs, 4,2mil, DET
|Richards, Brad C |1,1 mil, PIT
|Richardson, Brad C |950K, BUF
|Santorelli, Mike C|2yrs, 1,2mil, DET
|Sheppard, James C |2x2mil, LA
|Stoll, Jarret C |2yrs,1 mil, DET
|Vermette, Antoine C|4yrs, 3.5mil, DAL
|Visnovsky, Lubomir D |2 mil, PHI
|Williams, Justin RW |3yrs, 5,25 mil, PHI
|Winnik, Daniel LW |3yrs, 2,66mil, MTL
|Zidlicky, Marek D |2,5 mil, NYI
| Souray, Sheldon D |
| Ahnelov, Jonas D |
| Bolduc, Alex C |
| Campbell, Andrew D|
| Crombeen, B.J. RW |
| Hodgman,Justin C |
| Reese, Dylan D |
| Bartkowski, Matt D |
| Carey, Paul LW |
| Cross, Tommy D |
| Robins, Bobby RW |
| Bagnall, Drew D |
| Ellis, Matt LW |
| Kaleta, Patrick RW |
| Persson, Dennis D |
| Strachan, Tyson D |
| Cundari, Mark D |
| Diaz, Raphael D |
| McGrattan, Brian RW |
| Potter, Corey D |
| Schlemko, David D |
| Dwyer, Patrick RW |
| Hillen, Jack D |
| Holmstrom, Ben C |
| Nemisz, Greg RW |
| Labrie, P.C. LW |
| LeBlanc, Drew C |
| Rozsival, Michal D |
| Morrow, Brenden RW |
| Briere, Daniel RW |
| Hejda, Jan D |
| Wilson, Ryan D |
| Craig, Ryan LW |
| Skille, Jack RW |
| St-Denis, Frederic D|
| Weber, Will D |
| Horcoff, Shawn C |
| Peverley, Rich C |
| Cleary, Danny RW |
| Porter, Kevin C |
| Hunt, Brad D |
| Lain, Kellan C |
| Pinizzotto, Steve RW |
| Roy, Derek C |
| Butler, Bobby RW |
| O'Brien, Shane D |
| Olson, Brett C |
| Upshall, Scottie LW |
| Zanon, Greg D |
| Azevedo, Justin C |
| Holloway, Bud RW |
| LoVerde, Vincent D |
| Van Der Gulik, David RW|
| Almond, Cody C |
| Ballard, Keith D |
| Carter, Ryan LW |
| Leopold, Jordan D |
| Prosser, Nate D |
| Veilleux, Stephane RW|
| Allen, Bryan D |
| Drewiske, Davis D |
| Gonchar, Sergei D |
| Malhotra, Manny C |
| Weaver, Mike D|
| Volchenkov, Anton D|
| Brunner, Damien RW |
| Harrold, Peter D |
| Havlat, Martin RW |
| McPherson, Corbin D|
| Sestito, Tim C |
| Whitney, Joe LW |
| Zajac, Darcy C |
| Zharkov, Vladimir RW|
| Boulton, Eric LW |
| Carkner, Matt D |
| Jeffery, Dustin C |
| Bourque, Chris LW |
| Crabb, Joey RW |
| Lombardi, Matthew C |
| Mueller, Chris C |
| Adams, Craig RW |
| Chorney, Taylor D |
| Comeau, Blake RW |
| Farnham, Bobby LW |
| Hannan, Scott D |

| Lerg, Bryan LW |
| Scott, John LW |
| Stollery, Karl D |
| Butler, Chris D |
| Cracknell, Adam RW |
| Fraser, Colin C |
| Jokinen, Olli C |
| McCarthy, John LW |
| Mueller, Peter C |
| Porter, Chris LW |
| Welsh, Jeremy C |
| Angelidis, Mike C |
| Blunden, Michael RW |
| Bodie, Troy RW|
| Booth, David LW |
| Brewer, Eric D |
| Lindstrom, Joakim RW|
| Marshall, Kevin D |
| Sill, Zach LW |
| Smith, Trevor C |
| Acton, Will C |
| Biega, Alex D |
| DeFazio, Brandon LW |
| Sestito, Tom LW |
| Erskine, John D |
| Newbury, Kris C |
| Oleksy, Steven D |
| Volpatti, Aaron LW |
| Brouillette, Julien D |
| Cormier, Patrice LW |
| Halischuk, Matt RW |
| O'Dell, Eric C |
|Mike Brown, W |
|Adam Burish, RW|
|Teddy Purcell, RW|
|Czuczman, Kevin D |
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| |
| |

Rights|Player|Best offer/pending offer, new team
|Labarbera, Jason|
|McKenna, Mike |
| Thiessen, Brad |
| McElhinney, Curtis|600K, PIT
|Gustavsson, Jonas|
| Fasth, Viktor |
| Harding, Josh |
|MacDonald, Joey |
| Engren, Atte |
| Clemmensen, Scott|
| Emery, Ray |
|Greiss, Thomas|
|Niemi, Antti|3yr, 3,5mil, TBL

European FAs. If player already has contract in KHL, a roster spot has to be guaranteed. Player also has to be age 22 or older if the player didn't play full season in NA 14-15.

Rights|Player|Best offer/pending offer(s), new team
KHL|Viktor Tikhonov, RW|4x3,66 mil, MTL
KHL|Mathis Olimb, C |
|Patrik Zackrisson, C |
| Robbie Earl, W/C |
|Marc-Antoine Pouliot, C/RW |
|Perttu Lindgren, C |
KHL|Dustin Boyd, C/LW |
|Andrew Calof, C/RW |

|Emil Garipov - G, |2x950k ELC, BUF
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Draft related FAs. Player also has to be age 22 or older if the player didn't play full season in NA 14-15.

Rights|Player|Best offer/pending offer(s), new team

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| |

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Registered User
Dec 25, 2011
LTIR or golf course
UFA/RFA signing/trade post/waiver list.

Waiver list. List of some but not all players who have lost their waiver exemption. If this list has players that you are not going to send down with 100% certainty, notify me and I'll remove them from this list. Notify me if there's another who has lost their exemption and you would like to claim (no players who are never going to the waivers like established top 6 forwards, top 4D etc).

Anaheim: Chris Wagner, Emerson Etem, Max Friberg, Michael Sgarbossa, Colby Robak
Arizona: Brandon Gormely, Kris Dahlbeck,
Boston: Zach Phillips, Zach Trotman, Joe Morrow
Buffalo: Jamie McBain
Calgary: Drew Shore
Chicago: Scott Darling, Joakim Nordström
Colorado: Joey Hishon, Andrew Agozzino, Freddie Hamilton
Columbus: Jeremy Morin, Cody Goloubef,
Dallas: Ludwig Karlsson, Curtis McKenzie, Scott Glennie, Jussi Rynnas
Edmonton: Brandon Davidson, Nicklas Jensen
Florida: Stefan Matteau
Los Angeles: Andy Andreoff, Jordan Weal
Minnesota: Jared Knight, Erik Haula
Montreal: Darcy Kuemper, Teemu Pulkkinen, Michael Bournival, Greg Pateryn, Petter Granberg
Nashville: Ryan Spooner, Viktor Bartley, Taylor Beck, Gabriel Bourque, Austin Watson
New Jersey:
New York Islanders: Matt Donovan, Scott Mayfield,
New York Rangers: Jesper Fast, Oscar Lindberg, Conor Allen, Danny Kristo, Dylan McIlrath
Ottawa: David Dziurzynski, Chris Neil, Chris Phillips, Colin Greening, Mike Kostka
Philadelphia: Rinaldo, Umberger, Robidas, White, Akeson, Ryder Brandon Manning.
Pittsburgh: Brian Dumoulin, Yannick Weber and Ian Cole
San Jose: Troy Grosenick, Matt Tennyson, Calle Järnkrok, Jarred Tinordi, Zach Redmond, Mark Pysyk, Matt Nieto
St. Louis: DSP,
Tampa Bay: Luke Witkowksi
Toronto: Greg McKegg, Tomas Jurco
Vancouver: Adam Clendening, Sven Bärtschi, Stefan Elliott
Washington: Stanislav Galiev, Nate Schmidt, Philipp Grubauer, Michael Latta
Winnipeg: Ben Chiarot

Signed players, UFA

Erat, Martin LW |1 mil, OTT
Moss, David RW |1 mil, MTL
Paille, Dan LW |2x1mil, LA
Setoguchi, Devin RW |600K, WPG
Holos, Jonas D |575K, WPG
Gibbons, Brian RW |600K, NYI
Letestu, Mark C |2 years @ 1.000m per EDM
Miele, Andy C |700K, COL
Eaves, Patrick RW |900K, CAR
Gaunce, Cameron D |750K, COL
Heatley, Dany LW |900K, ARI
Bickel, Stu D |700K, ARI
Mitchell, Torrey RW |950K, CAR
Fraser, Mark D |650K, COL
Bernier, Steve RW |950K, OTT
Zolnierczyk, Harry LW |2x700K, BOS
Kennedy, Tyler RW |1mil, PHI
Ryder, Michael RW |950K, PHI
Kostka, Mike D |800K, OTT
Colaiacovo, Carlo D |800K, OTT
VandeVelde, Chris LW |2 yrs, 800K, NYI
Lapierre, Maxim C |650K, FLA
Archibald, Darren LW |675K, BOS
Sanguinetti, Bob D |700K, BUF
Pardy, Adam D |800K, COL
Stempniak, Lee RW |1mil, PHI
Tlusty, Jiri LW |1mil, PHI
David Desharnais C|1mil, PHI
Holzer, Korbinian D |2yrs, 850K, BOS
Robak, Colby D |725K, BUF
Craig Cunningham|2yrs, 600K, DET
Cam Janssen|575K, ARI
Tim Schaller |850K, BUF

Ellis, Dan |1mil, LA
Curry, John |2x700K, BOS
Enroth, Jhonas |1mil, PHI
Hackett, Matt |750K, NYI
Bryzgalov, Ilya |1mil, ARI
Sami Aittokallio|2yr, 800K, EDM

Mike Reilly |2yrs, 950K, MIN
Zach Hyman |2x950K, BOS
Matt O'Connor |2yr, 950 (ELC) OTT
Fredrik Pettersson, RW |2yrs, 900K, NSH
Anton Rodin |2x700K, PIT
Joonas Donskoi |2x925K (ELC), PIT
Greg Scott, C |925K x 2 years, 1way, PIT
Sam Lofquist, D |925K (ELC), NSH
Patrik Hersley, D|2yrs, 1mil, NSH
Nikita Zaitsev, D |2yr, 950K (ELC), TOR
Jan Kovar, C |950K (ELC), WSH
Vadim Shipachyov|1mil, PIT
Ahti Oksanen |2x950K (ELC), NSH
Jake Morrissey, G |ELC, 3x950K, PIT,
Michael Zipp|3x950K, ELC, OTT
Maxim Lazarev |3x950K, ELC, PHI
Spencer Smallman |3x950K, ELC, PHI
|Tim McGauley |3x950K, ELC, NJ

BOS| McQuaid, Adam D |2x2
CAR| Bellemore, Brett D |2yrs, 1,1 mil
CHI| Regin, Peter C |650K
CHI| Abbott, Spencer RW |575K
CHI| Carcillo, Dan LW |2yr, 600K
CHI| Cumiskey, Kyle D |2yr, 600K
COL| Soderberg, Carl C | 5yr, 4.5 mil
DET| Cole, Erik LW |1 yr 3,5 mil
DET| St. Louis, Martin RW |5 mil
LAK| McBain, Jamie D |750 K
MIN| Brodziak, Kyle C |3yrs, 3,33 mil
MIN| Stewart, Chris RW |4 yrs, 4,25 mil
NAS| O'Reilly, Cal C|2yrs, 925K, 1-way
NAS| Fisher, Mike C|4mil
NAS| Piskula, Joe D |2yrs, 925K , 1-way
NAS| Ribeiro, Mike C|3yrs, 4,5mil
NAS| Reese, Dylan D |2yrs 925K, 1- way
NJD| Gomez, Scott C |2 mil
NJD| Salvador, Bryce D |1.25mil
NJD| Tootoo, Jordin RW |900k
NYI| Mouillierat, Kael C |700K
NYR| Allen, Conor D |575K
NYR| Hunwick, Matt D |900K
NYR| Kristo, Danny RW |850K
OTT| Stefan Da Costa |2 yrs, 1.5 mil
PHI| White, Ryan RW |925K
PIT| Ebbett, Andrew C |2 yrs, 925K, 1-way
PIT| McDonald, Colin RW |2 yrs, 925K, 1-way
PIT| Martin, Paul D |4x4.75
PIT| Fedun, Taylor D |2 yrs, 925K, 1-way
SJS | Ehrhoff, Christian D |4yrs, 5 mil
SJS| Haley, Micheal LW |915k
SJS| Hayes, Eriah RW |2 years @ 850k
STL| Goc, Marcel C |2 yrs, 1.25 mil.
STL| Michalek, Zbynek D |4yrs, 3 mil.
TBL| Condra, Erik LW |2 X $1.5M
TBL| Desjardins, Andrew C |1 mil
TOR| Stafford, Drew RW|4 years 4 mil
TOR| Petry, Jeff D |7yrs, 5 mil
TOR| Brennan, T.J. D |2x1.2 mil
TOR| Sekera, Andrej D |7yrs 6 mil
WSH| Conner, Chris LW |575K
WAS| Fehr, Eric C |5yr, 4 mil
WAS| Gleason, Tim D |2yr, 1,25 mil
WAS| Glencross, Curtis LW |3yr, 3,5 mil

WAS| Kennedy, Tim LW |575K
WAS| Ward, Joel RW |5yr, 3,25 mil
WAS| Wellman, Casey C |575K
WAS| Landry, Joe D |575K
WPG| Frolik, Michael RW |4 yrs, 4.25 mil AAV
WPG| Galiardi, T.J. LW |700K, 2-way
WPG| Slater, Jim C |$1.0M
CHI Artemi Panarin LW 2yrs x 925k

CGY| Ramo, Karri |2 yrs 3mil
CHI| Leighton, Michael |550K
EDM| Bachman, Richard|2 years @ 650k per year
MIN| Dubnyk, Devan |5x5,25
NYI| Neuvirth, Michal |2x2,7 mil
WPG| Budaj, Peter|550K, 2-way
BUF Lindback, Andreas 2x1,75 mil


Jarnkrok and Stalberg for Thornton and SJ 2015 2nd rounder.
9th ovr, Patrick Marleau (with 2M retained) and Marc-Eduard Vlasic for Ryan O'Reilly, Duncan Siemens and Dennis Everberg
Anton Cederholm to Canes, Brad Malone to Canucks
Elliot, Street for Canucks 5th rounder
Andy Greene for #48 pick, Matt Puempel and David Legwand
Luke Schenn + Grossman + Alt for Braun
Tomas Hertl + Mirco Mueller for Tobias Enstrom + #47 overall
Michael Hutchinson + Pick #204 for Jakub Vrana + Pick #114
Dmitri Jaskin, Ivan Barbashev and Vladimir Sobotka for Mark Streit and Brayden Schenn.
Zack Smith and Andrew Hammond for Chris Tierney
#15+45 for #9 ovr.
Wayne Simmonds for Kevin Fiala, Colton Sissons and 4th round pick
Phaneuf (1.5 mil retained) for Pulkkinen, Jurco and Sproul
#16 pick for Alec Martinez and Valentin Zykov
Eric Nystrom and pick #176 (6th round) to the Coyotes for pick #183 (7th round)
Jo Drouin for Cody Ceci, Alex Chiasson and Erik Condra.
Alex Semin for Tommy Wingels and Luke Schenn.
#12 overall for Jeff Carter and Martin Jones.
Gaustad and #146 to #186
Ladd + Little + Petan for Evgeni Malkin.
Eriksson for Garrison, Erne and #30.
4th overall pick, the 65th overall pick and Carter Verhaeghe for the 3rd overall pick
Sharp, Desjardins for Killorn, Koekkoek, Morrow
Matt Carle, #64, #118 for #176
Strålman for Cowen
LA Kings trade Colin Miller to Ottawa for Chris Wideman
Eric Gelinas, Reece Scarlet for Brayden Coburn, Brayden Point, Ben Thomas
Eric Gryba for #130 pick
Vladislav Kamenev and pick #183 (7th round) for Mark Stuart and Pavel Kraskovsky
#1 + Eberle + Klefbom + Ference + Purcell + 79 for Subban + Price + Mike McCarron + Gallagher
Matt Fraser to Arizona, Dysin Mayo to Edmonton
Zack Kassian, Canucks 4th and Rangers 5th rounder for Mike Hoffman.
JVR + Nylander + Pulkkinen + Granberg + 3rd overall+ 25 overall for #1 + PAP + Purcell + Ference
Giroux for Galchenyuk + #25 + #29 + Scherbak + Emelin
Eric Staal and Dennis Robertson for David Backes, Ty Rattie, Robby Fabbri, Ville Husso and the 94th overall pick
Mark Giordano, Mikael Backlund, Markus Granlund, Mason McDonald and the 84th for Alex Pietrangelo, Paul Stastny and Steve Ott
To Boston: James Wisniewski and Jack Dougherty, To Nashville: Ryan Spooner, To Anaheim: Denis Seidenberg and pick#86 (Nashville's 3rd round)
Krug for Pulkkinen
#20 for Klefbom
Ference + 107th for 7th rounder
Burns, Couture for JVR, Plekanec, Tinordi, 20th Overall, 90th Overall
#49 and Oleksiak for Michael Stone.
Percy, Leivo and Finn to Capitals for Carlson and 144 pick
Mikko Vainonen to Canucks, rights of Cal O'Reilly to Preds
Predators trade Tommy Veilleux to the LA Kings for Brian O'Neill
#4 and #49 for #7 and #26
Brian Elliott for DSP
Aleksander Barkov, Brian Campbell at 50% retained and #77 for Jakub Voracek, Matt Read and #55
#169 to Vancouver for Luca Sbisa
Bozak and #95 for Blacker and #55
Robidas, #125 and #155 for #158 pick
pick #55 from Toronto for Petry's rights and Gabriel Dumont
Habs trade #3 and #210 to the Flyers for #4 and #155
Kadri for Jordan Staal
#4 overall for #13 + #16 + #43 + Kyle Clifford
Shinkaruk, Corrado and Bieksa for Cousins and Campbell at 50% retained
Pominville for #13, #43 and #79
#28 for #43 and #50
#20 and #90 for #24 and #65
Justin Schultz for #169, #172 and Nicklas Jensen
#27+#80+#82 to the Flyers for #25
Sproul, Valiev for Sekera's UFA rights
Kessel, Gardiner and the 144 pick for Ehlers, Clitsome and the rights to Stafford
Marc-Olivier Roy + Scrivens + #33 for Scandella
#70, #87 and Scott Laughton to Habs for William Nylander
3rd (#65), 6th (#160), Alexis Vanier, Barclay Goodro for D Dan Girardi, D Tommy Hughes, D Chris Summers and D Tyler Nanne
Fredrik Claesson for #143 and #203
106 and #190 for rights to Christian Ehrhoff
Nikolay Goldobin and Niklas Grossman for Patrick Bordeleau, Zach Redmond and #101
Ben Smith + 101 + 173 for Bieksa @ 50% + Petr Straka
Emelin 1.2 mil retained for #73 and Kyle Quincey
Daniel Winnik's rights for Charles Hudon
#96 for Zach Fucale
#79 for Dale Weise
Rights of UFA Colin McDonald for Anton Zlobin
MDZ and Maxim Lamarche for Burrows, Stanton and Demko
Jean-Sebatien Dea to the San Jose Sharks for the rights to Taylor Fedun
Lars Eller in exchange for pick #154
Jayce Hawryluk and pick 209 to the New Jersey Devils in exchange for Stefan Matteau, Matthew Puempel and Jacob Josefson
Nick D'Agostino for Yannick Weber
The Pittsburg Penguins traded Tom Kuhnhackl to Boston for the rights to Maxim Chudinov
Tomas Plekanec to Panthers for Jimmy Hayes and Vincent Trocheck
Thomas Vanek and Matt Cooke for Brandon Prust and Oliver Kylington
Kuemper for pick 180
#185 and #188 for Mitchell Moroz
Vladimir Sobotka for Alex Burmistrov
Dylan Reese to Preds, Tyler Aronson to Arizona
Raffi Torres + Julius Bergman for Steven Santini
Winchester, Rendulic for Rights to Soderberg, C. Kelly
Carlson and Jurco to Montreal, Eberle and Beaulieu to Toronto
Ericsson + Bertuzzi for Hunter Fejes
Ryan Callahan for Judd Peterson and Andrey Makarov
Carolina trades Danny Biega and Carter Sandlak to Montreal for Morgan Ellis.
Mark Pysyk for Eric Gryba and Vincent Trochek
Detroit Receives: Clifford + Couture as Montreal Receives: Sheahan + Nyquist + Miller
To Buffalo: Carlson, To Montréal: Gorges + Girgensons
Kings received Christian Ehrhoff and Jared Tinordi in exchange for Ryan Sproul and Jamie McBain (to Sharks)
Sproul and JVR to Toronto, Galchenyuk and Beaulieu to SJ
Grossman and Musil (to BUF) for Mike Weber (to COL)
JVR and Cody Donaghey (to Habs) for Vanek (3 million retained), Krug, and Sheahan (to Leafs)
Sharks receive: Nicholas Baptiste RW, Phil Varone C as Sabres receive: Matt Nieto LW, Rourke Chartier C/RW
Last edited:


Jul 14, 2011
Also, since the other forum is locked, Detroit buys out Stephan Weiss. Buyout penalty as follows:

2015-16 $1,066,667
2016-17 $1,066,667
2017-18 $2,566,667
2018-19 $1,666,667
2019-20 $1,666,667
2020-21 $1,666,667


Tatar(2.75)-Datsyuk (7.5)-Mantha (900k)
Nyquist(4.55)-Zetterberg (6.1)-Abdelkader(1.8)

Kronwall(4.75) - Phaneuf(5.5)
Dekeyser(2.2) - Smith (1.25)
Emelin(2.9) - Ericcson(4.25)


*Buyout - Weiss (1.07)
*LTIR - Franzen(3.95)

Total Cap - $55.3 mil

UFA - Cole, Cleary, Zidlicky

Edit: Forgot to Qualify Jensen
Last edited:


Not a Core Poster
Jun 5, 2012
Wyoming, USA
So is the clock still 2 hours and will it still only run during the OP listed hours?

Trying to guesstimate how often I'll need to check in for the next few days.

Kind of a big sports weekend and oh, yeah, some super hero movie is coming out.

My nerdiness is :vhappy:


Jul 7, 2013
Yes. I admit I'm pushing it a little to get a few more picks in especially when I'm holding them. Anyone auto drafted can change their pick when they check in.

You can always leave a list too. I expect things to bog down a bit because the weekend is coming and we are starting to get into rounds where people may not have the biggest interest in making picks. So ideally I don't want the end of this draft to drag on, we don't need rounds 6/7 to take days so anything we can do to push through the second half quickly would be great.


Not a Core Poster
Jun 5, 2012
Wyoming, USA
Yes. I admit I'm pushing it a little to get a few more picks in especially when I'm holding them. Anyone auto drafted can change their pick when they check in.

You can always leave a list too. I expect things to bog down a bit because the weekend is coming and we are starting to get into rounds where people may not have the biggest interest in making picks. So ideally I don't want the end of this draft to drag on, we don't need rounds 6/7 to take days so anything we can do to push through the second half quickly would be great.

Works for me

I may actually have to do some work too amidst all the awesomeness the next few days. Going to be brutal trying to focus :laugh:


Not a Core Poster
Jun 5, 2012
Wyoming, USA

has acquired Lars Eller in exchange for pick #154

GM AslanRH believes Eller will be an excellent fit down the middle with Nugent-Hopkins and Draisaitl


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