So we're capable of winning even without Kap, Spurgs, Faber and Gus (was pulled last game).
So either we're incredibly lucky or this team is actually not as bad as some thought. Even I used to say that this team was carried by Gus & Kap. Maybe that statement isn't so true at all?
We got lucky last night.
But, we now have two legit Cs for first time. And we have a lot of good defensive forwards in Foligno, Ek, Rossi, Gaudreau, Marat, Boldy, Trenin.
People underestimated the impact Faber would have. We sucked last year but basically added a 1D. Now Spurgeon is properly placed and we have a Top 5 blueline. A bounceback year was obviously coming, provided we got decent goaltending, which we have.