I don't take joy out of the Kings sucking. I do take a little bit of joy on just how wrong so many people were, especially the ones who were downright rude on both the board and PM's. I was laughed off this board last January when I said they should look into using the buyout, and laughed off in the fall when I said if he doesn't improve he will end up out of the league. Don't think for a second that I wouldn't be getting ripped to no end if he returned to the form of his prime years.
I also find it funny that we have had posts in this thread blaming viral infections, Sutter being a Richards hater, poor linemates, Richards being "set up for failure", Richards is in the minors to send a message to the team, Richards is in the minors to save money (no sense) yet you continue to single me out in this thread. It's quite funny with all the ludicrous stuff posted.