That first line of Straka - Nylander - Jagr was indeed epic and had great chemistry. It had Straka as the skilled hard worker, Nylander as the puck wizard dangler and Jagr as the big star power forward with great hands. It was the best line in the NHL at that time and as for Nylander's part, well, he surely did his part. He was a big risk, big reward player, that gave a big net plus on the reward part. Then everything fell apart when Straka retired, Nylander didn't like his contract and NYR management could seemingly not come to an agreement with Jagr, for some weird reason, as he was still one of the best players in the world at that time.
Then came another dark era in NYR history with the Fumblez, Dreary and Dreaden debacle, that alone should've been enough to fire $ather, but nope, not with a shitty owner like Dolan.
The things that stuck out with Nylander was how great he was at keeping the puck in the offensive zone. He was very difficult to read, as he would twist and turn until the defenseman would skate up to the stands to buy a hot dog. Then there was usually a crisp pass after he had the attention of another opponent. A shifty, dangling playmaker who wasn't afraid to do the unexpected, is what I would've called Michael Nylander.
One thing for sure, those old NYR teams were very top heavy. The rest of the roster was garbage especially the defensemen.