OT: Merry Christmas

The Head Crusher

Jan 3, 2008


Registered User
Feb 8, 2008
Probably wont be on the forum for a few days now, Merry Christmas to all Oiler fans out there!

Enjoy the time with friends and family! Its going to be a cold one so buckle up!

Christmas Oiler Poem

Twas the night before Christmas
A great time to drink
Not a creature was stirring
Covid shut down the rink

Ken Holland was nervous
The team had lost six
Two wins they were recent
But the team needed a fix

The left D was shot
They were all out and sick
4K is the best one
And he is not quick

Kostko has again shown
That he really does suck
The early goals he lets in
Makes Tippet upchuck

Injury reported
It makes by eyes glaze
Because with the Oilers
Its in Venus days

The depth scoring has vanished
They cant score at all
Kassian invisible
He's hit a brick wall

Tippet got Covid
Glen Gully then won
With Playfair beside him
They shone like the sun

McDavid and Draisaitl
Still lead the team
Leaving the others
In their slipstream

PJ looks good
Yamo does not
RNH cant score goals
But assists he does got

Hyman has been
A breath of fresh air
Foegele scored two
On the first line with flair

Bouchard he looks forty
Keith looks like his kid
Nurse got a raise
But his play it has slid

Benson might make it
And then there is Skinner
He's played well enough
He looks like a winner

And with all of that said
Oilers have a good record
The nerdy stats guys
Say were still gonna get gored

Oiler fans can rejoice
We are in the playoffs
Until Bettman decides
That we need to get laid off

That mean little elf
Has a hate on this team
The rule book in his mind
It is but a dream

So that all we can do
Is sit here and grumble
And hope that our playoff
Dreams don't take a tumble

With all of that said
And all that is dear
I wish Merry Christmas
And a Happy New Year.

:santa: :grinch: :santa:

Well done, and all the best to you and everyone else!


Registered User
Jul 3, 2006
Red Deer, Alta
Got this on Bing wallpaper today. Looks Christmasy without it being a Christmas tree,


"For Christmas Day, we’re taking in the winter views on Mount Khomyak in Ukraine’s Carpathian Mountains. The bright green moss and the red of the fallen leaves pop against the snowy white, as though the forest were transforming into a magical band of Christmas elves. While much of the Christian world celebrates Christmas on December 25, for those who follow Eastern Orthodox Christian traditions—including many Ukrainians—Christmas is still a couple weeks away. Eastern Orthodox Christmas celebrations are tied to the Julian calendar, which is 13 days behind the more universal Gregorian calendar, so Christmas Day in Ukraine will be celebrated on January 7.

In many Eastern European cultures, a traditional Christmas Eve dinner consists of 12 meat-free courses meant to symbolize the 12 disciples of Christ. For the Ukrainian feast, kutia, a sweet wheat grain pudding, is a star of the meal—other dishes may include braided bread, fish, and soup. The meal begins when children spot the first star that appears in the night sky. Christmas Day is typically spent in church services and with family.

If you're celebrating Christmas—either today or in 13 days—we wish you a merry one."


Registered User
Jul 27, 2006
If you’re a fan of the Wallace and Gromit animated series, the creators of that series have an Xmas movie called Arthur Christmas that is a good watch.
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