There was a short story I read about something similar. A child was born, grew up knowing they were The Protagonist(tm), and did everything they could to avoid it. Basically avoiding every trope about being the main character.
They first dyed their hair, so it wouldn't be brightly colored and different from every other person, but then it started to grow spikey and blond, so they ended up just shaving their head completely.
They avoided every instance of people calling for help, random storefronts offering strange gifts, letters in the mail from distant relatives, strange portals, etc.
The only thing they couldn't figure out was their love life, because everything was a trope. They couldn't reject advances, because then it wound up being a harem situation of multiple people fighting over them. And they couldn't pick just one person, because then that one person would either be used in a villainous plot, or would be villainous themselves and betray them.