The mark of my dignity shall scar thy DNA
- Dec 26, 2014
- 25,007
- 9,201
Finally unlocked the Adam Warlock skin in the battlepass. Might actually try out the character now that I can stand the sight of him on screen 

Best thing about this game is if you get bored you can run tests with other characters, there are so many to choose from. I'm looking to be proficient in more and branch out. Started working with Peni Parker recently and once you get the hang of nest placement it's actually pretty fun. Just throw mines everywhere when they're trying to push the convoy![]()
Why do you say that?This is one ugly ass looking game to say the least
This is one ugly ass looking game to say the least
14-40? Oof. You are the problem!!!The good thing about this game is if you get bored you can just change characters. I'm testing out squirrel girl right now and going 39-1 in QP
That said the matchmaking for comp especially in single queues is horrific. I'm not even playing poorly but we always have the worst of luck. My competitive record is about 14-40. I'll never get out of bronze at this rate. In fact I went from Bronze III -> Bronze I -> Bronze II
I'm not it's not my fault I keep getting paired with bad teammates!14-40? Oof. You are the problem!!!
This game's rank system is busted and dare i say, garbage.
I would say i'm a solidly above average hero shooter player. Hit diamond multiple times in Overwatch on both Tank and Support. I got to GM3 in this but i'll be the first to say it; it honestly feels like i don't actually deserve that rank most of the time.
Games are uberly lopsided where one team's GM3 is either a smurf or actually knows what they're doing, and the other team's is completely out to lunch, win and loss streaks feel completely arbitrary to the point my buddy and i have had dueling 10+ loss streaks and 10+ game win streaks. I won MVP in high diamond lobby as a Namor with sub 30% accuracy finishing 33-2 just because i was lobbing tridents into a crowd and getting lucky.
It feels overly inflated considering i got to GM3 with a barely above 50% win rate. Think i'm done with it for the time being
I also bring evidence to support my claim; For some reason, as of right now GM3's player pool is somehow larger than Platinum 1 and is only slightly behind gold 1;
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psylocke is listed 5 stars but she's pretty fun to play with. Still trying to adjust to her playstyle