Marvel Rivals

Finally unlocked the Adam Warlock skin in the battlepass. Might actually try out the character now that I can stand the sight of him on screen :laugh:
Best thing about this game is if you get bored you can run tests with other characters, there are so many to choose from. I'm looking to be proficient in more and branch out. Started working with Peni Parker recently and once you get the hang of nest placement it's actually pretty fun. Just throw mines everywhere when they're trying to push the convoy :laugh:
Best thing about this game is if you get bored you can run tests with other characters, there are so many to choose from. I'm looking to be proficient in more and branch out. Started working with Peni Parker recently and once you get the hang of nest placement it's actually pretty fun. Just throw mines everywhere when they're trying to push the convoy :laugh:

Peni is a blast on defense… she’s just pretty useless at everything else

Kind of a weird comparison since we know the majority of CoD players are NOT playing on Steam, while the majority of Marvel Rivals players are.

There’s some truth to this. Individual stats are useful but not necessarily reflective of how the match went. Like Overwatch way back., Rivals is a game I focus most on W/L and big plays.

This industry is ****ed up, man.

That team made a billion dollar game. In a properly functioning world they’d be doing pure cocaine off of $10000-per hour escorts laying on the hoods on their new Lamborghinis. Not laid off.
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Not surprising, NetEase has been making cuts all over. This sounds like it was entirely the American division as well, so they likely believe the Chinese side is capable of updating the game now that it's up and running.
OF COURSE they buff Iron Man into god tier the same weekend Im leaving for Australia
This is one ugly ass looking game to say the least

Disagree. I think the art style and animation are great.

The levels don't look particularly good though, I'll give you that.
Matchmaking in this game is wiiiiiiiiild. That and all the toxic players who will throw for the smallest reason have made me tire on this game after 200 hours. I maxed out GMIII. Gameplay wise it’s a lot of fun for sure tho
Surprised more people aren't talking about this game here. Just got around to playing it recently and having a blast. They nailed this game imo. So much fun to me. The serotonin I get when Bucky yells AGAIN :laugh:
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The good thing about this game is if you get bored you can just change characters. I'm testing out squirrel girl right now and going 39-1 in QP :laugh:

That said the matchmaking for comp especially in single queues is horrific. I'm not even playing poorly but we always have the worst of luck. My competitive record is about 14-40. I'll never get out of bronze at this rate. In fact I went from Bronze III -> Bronze I -> Bronze II
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The good thing about this game is if you get bored you can just change characters. I'm testing out squirrel girl right now and going 39-1 in QP :laugh:

That said the matchmaking for comp especially in single queues is horrific. I'm not even playing poorly but we always have the worst of luck. My competitive record is about 14-40. I'll never get out of bronze at this rate. In fact I went from Bronze III -> Bronze I -> Bronze II
14-40? Oof. You are the problem!!!
This game's rank system is busted and dare i say, garbage.

I would say i'm a solidly above average hero shooter player. Hit diamond multiple times in Overwatch on both Tank and Support. I got to GM3 in this but i'll be the first to say it; it honestly feels like i don't actually deserve that rank most of the time.

Games are uberly lopsided where one team's GM3 is either a smurf or actually knows what they're doing, and the other team's is completely out to lunch, win and loss streaks feel completely arbitrary to the point my buddy and i have had dueling 10+ loss streaks and 10+ game win streaks. I won MVP in high diamond lobby as a Namor with sub 30% accuracy finishing 33-2 just because i was lobbing tridents into a crowd and getting lucky.

It feels overly inflated considering i got to GM3 with a barely above 50% win rate. Think i'm done with it for the time being

I also bring evidence to support my claim; For some reason, as of right now GM3's player pool is somehow larger than Platinum 1 and is only slightly behind gold 1;

Screenshot 2025-03-16 230723.png
This game's rank system is busted and dare i say, garbage.

I would say i'm a solidly above average hero shooter player. Hit diamond multiple times in Overwatch on both Tank and Support. I got to GM3 in this but i'll be the first to say it; it honestly feels like i don't actually deserve that rank most of the time.

Games are uberly lopsided where one team's GM3 is either a smurf or actually knows what they're doing, and the other team's is completely out to lunch, win and loss streaks feel completely arbitrary to the point my buddy and i have had dueling 10+ loss streaks and 10+ game win streaks. I won MVP in high diamond lobby as a Namor with sub 30% accuracy finishing 33-2 just because i was lobbing tridents into a crowd and getting lucky.

It feels overly inflated considering i got to GM3 with a barely above 50% win rate. Think i'm done with it for the time being

I also bring evidence to support my claim; For some reason, as of right now GM3's player pool is somehow larger than Platinum 1 and is only slightly behind gold 1;

View attachment 993991

I only play comp enough to get the reward skin, or if friends ask me to join up. I honestly find the variety of team comps in quick play more fun.

Honestly, from chatting with people in game, a lot of people did the placement matches and then bounced from comp. I think a lot of those higher rank players may not be active for 99% of the season and it's skewing the numbers.

If I want a sweaty experience, a mashy 3rd person shooter isn't what I will choose. I'd rather play Valorant or even The Finals.

psylocke is listed 5 stars but she's pretty fun to play with. Still trying to adjust to her playstyle

At this point, I'm pretty sure the difficulty star rating is just a representation of HP. All the lower health characters have a high star ranking despite ease of use, pretty much all the beefy tanks have low star rankings except Hulk.

Psylock is basically Genji from Overwatch. Pick your spots and stay away from Tanks and it's a pretty easy character to play.
adding hide avatars option

