don't you love all these rookies claiming to be OGS
I can tell ya the exact date I joined September 6th 1997, I was in a cafe in Liverpool while the rest of the world was watching some funeral
my problem was I got drunk in 2001, changed my log in name and password and forgot both and the email address I first used to join
but I am 75.5% sure I was the original crazycanuck but I at some point in time changed my name to toofarnorth or junkyarddog or something and forgot what it was
and then add into the mix the fact the site crashed all the time and was off time for a few days at a time sometimes--it was annoying
LOL, such a child.
Back in my day, before I changed my account name, we did the HF Boards thing with pen and paper, writing posts on index cards and then submitting them to the giant HF card catalogue located at a facility in Topeka, Kansas where obsessed fans would finger their way through them.
This would have been around 1982.
You kids and your "internet".
You think a crash is annoying?
How about flying out to f***ing Topeka and finding out that someone dumped the Main Board drawer out on the floor and all of the thread posts were out of order?
You entitled little shits.