I think there are a bunch of ridiculous statements in this thread re; winning such a big jackpot. First of all, no way you would keep working your day job. Only way I would is if my job is my ''passion'' (supposed I love photography and I was working in that field), maybe I would continue working on my terms, i.e. no 9 to 5 with only weekends off.
Second of all, no way you sit on that money for a year, taking the time to ''think it through'' or whatever. Soon as you know you won, hire a bunch of advisors and spend a couple of weeks figuring out a good plan. Draw up a will asap because you never know what can happen to you in life. And since you could die any time, spoil yourself and do that trip you always wanted to do, go to Vegas with your friends, buy that dream car and move to your favourite neighbourhood.
I am not saying that you should burn as much money as possible early on. I am just saying that it's dumb to sit around and wait for a year and keep working. I mean, come on. Figure out some savvy investments with your advisors and then draw up a list of things you want to do with all that money, and get on with it. Give some to your family/friends and charities, travel, spend time doing what you really love (passions), give your time to help out people, invest in companies you believe in, treat yourself to the best and nicest restaurants/bars, etc.
Don't sit around waiting doing nothing. The possibilities are meaningless. And for god's sake, quit your fricking day job asap.