It's definitely something worth doing. There are a bunch of podcasts in this space, but when it comes down to it, there is the run by beat reporters side and the run by fans side.
Since you're in the latter, you're looking at Blueshirt Breakaway, Forever Blueshirts, BSUR (SO
@The Mouth), and a bunch more. Have to find a way to stand out from those and other vehicles. Each one has different kinds of people and varying levels of experience in hockey, so your experiences will help.
This board gets a ton of traffic compared to other teams, so there is a base to start with getting things off the ground. Social media is the only way that it'll grow, so learning that landscape is massive, whether that is promoting on X or short videos/reels for IG/YouToube/TikTok (maybe?).
One suggestion that I would make is not using this site as a main point of anything you do AFTER getting off the ground. It might be worth it when beginning this, but it'll outgrow the HFNYR landscape if it takes off. You're online presence should be on your own site or as part of a partnership with one (even if that is a social media site). You likely already know this, but figured it's worth hearing from another poster. You might even want to consider using this page as a way to test out who you might want to host with. Maybe I'm wrong and maybe this will be the glow up that HF needs.
Just reading your post tells me you're going to take this as seriously as needed to gain something from this, whether that is professionally or as a fan. Even if all this becomes is a little HFNYR podcast where you and others can discuss/analyze/vent about the team, it would be cool to have.
Good luck putting this together and hopefully we can all listen to Episode 1 soon enough.