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- Apr 29, 2010
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I kind of want to see the NHL completely implode as a result of all this hubris. The calculation here is that the revenue stream will just keep flowing when they've decided that it's time to start up the league again. Well, good luck to them, and I hope there's some kind of rude awakening when they realize people don't care anymore.
I have a good idea.......If the owners don't want players to sign over 5 years then don't ******* sign the players for over 5 years.
I think they should just go back and do nothing. Cancel the season because a 40-50 game is just ridiculous.
Agreed 100%. Bettman is trying to grow the game's popularity throughout North America, and even in Europe, but I think he's not going about it the right way. I don't know what the right way would be, but it's not by moving teams into the middle of the desert, where noone cares about the game.
I have a good idea.......If the owners don't want players to sign over 5 years then don't ******* sign the players for over 5 years.
Agreed. Do not want.
Agreed 100%. Bettman is trying to grow the game's popularity throughout North America, and even in Europe, but I think he's not going about it the right way. I don't know what the right way would be, but it's not by moving teams into the middle of the desert, where noone cares about the game.
It increases parity across the league, where small market teams don't have to contend against Pejorative Slured cap circumventing retirement deals in order to obtain/retain elite talent. Look no further than the Weber offersheet match.
Look no further than the NYI offering Rick Dipietro a 15 year deal the set this ball in motion.. Now the NYIs are crying foul on long contracts and can't compete in a hard cap system, with the owner wanting to relocate his team to Brocklyn, NY.
Now we have a lockout to protect bad Owners from themselves and their own foolishness, while the owners blame the players for the way they run their businesses.
You guys can go on with Bettman all you like but in this case watching Fehr's antics is spectacular to say the least. Watching players show up to meetings in their suits and ball caps and toques made my day.
Without an agreement in the cba that would be called collusion
I think the new league that replaces this one may be run more effectively.
Just to be clear, Burke has said that he would sign players past 5 years. It's been stated multiples times over the last couple of years.
Some people either are not listening, or listening selectively.
Burke is likely facing collusion charges if the NHL does not win this point of 5 year contract terms in the CBA, because he has been practicing and preaching that since he arrived in TO.
If smart businessmen which the Owners claim to be, believe there is too much risk for themselves in long-term deals than it doesn't take a CBA legislation to prevent them but rather good business sense to not offer them.
Owners are not forced to offer longer deals even if they're allowed, if they chose not to, based on internal policies and practices.
But here’s an alternate explanation.
What set Bettman off was staring across the bargaining table at his mirror image.
Ask anyone who has had to haggle out a deal with Bettman behind closed doors and they’ll paint a picture of a brilliant, calculating and ruthless negotiator, who seizes every advantage, who when presented with an opportunity goes straight for the kill. He understands his opposition’s weak points, he knows his side’s strengths, and with a cool head and cold eyes he calculates the path to victory. That’s one reason why his employers, the owners, love him, and pay him the big bucks.
The players hired Donald Fehr as their union head because he is Bettman’s equal. He is there to guard them against falling prey to their own sentimentality about the game, to protect their interests in a negotiation in which everyone understood that they would be giving back, would be surrendering rights and surrendering money guaranteed in the previous collective agreement.
Enough with the "Kessel's gonna walk" already.
Look no further than the NYI offering Rick Dipietro a 15 year deal the set this ball in motion.. Now the NYIs are crying foul on long contracts and can't compete in a hard cap system, with the owner wanting to relocate his team to Brocklyn, NY.
Now we have a lockout to protect bad Owners from themselves and their own foolishness, while the owners blame the players for the way they run their businesses.
Fehr is a much better poker player because every time he bluffs, Bettman folds and packs up shop, and each time he returns to the table the CBA gets better and better (by surrendering less) for the PA, whom Fehr is employed by..
The Billionaire Owners that broker large corporate deals all the time, thought they could bluff the uneducated players into a bad CBA for them by this mismatch of business savvy, but they also held fast and in the end the mighty Owners folded up, and left the table the big losers in this last go round.
The ball caps and toques all just apart of the image of the players representing the regular guy, just like you and I trying to earn a living, and having a union fight for them to prevent unfair labour practices.
i like the idea of 5 yr max contracts
but 7 yr max to re-sign your own players
It was the key points as a pkg not on an individual basis . They gave an extra 100 mil to get an agrement on 3 issues , length of CBA , contract term limits and complience issues . The rest of the contract was still open for negotiations .
C'mon Mess you know it only takes one contract to change the dynamics of contract negotiations . The owners are in competition against each other and a wining team generates millions in extra revenues . The agents know this and will use it as leverage in any negotiations to get a better and longer deal for thier client.?