Could have stopped at Friedman! His speculation has become so rampant the last few years
It’s wild how some jumped on Friedman’s unsourced speculation and accepted it as fact. Which set off pages of arguing over things like “talk to vs interviewed”.
I say unsourced speculation because when he has a source, his reporting usually starts with some version of “I’ve been told…” then the info. (Like the Harrington tweet). When he does’t have sources, his reporting starts with things like “I think...” or “I feel like..”. Which is followed by his speculation. Thats been the nature of his comments about the coaching search. The problem is some posters are taking this speculation as straight reporting of what happened. It isn’t.
Friedman is making what he feels is an educated guess based on the time frame of the search (6 days) and the fact a couple other teams still don’t have coaches. (I think it was the Blues and Sens).
I really don’t think there is much conflict between what Adams said and Friedman’s reporting. It mostly fans trying to parse to death GM speak and speculation from a reporter.
@Chainshot described this much better in one of his posts.
Yeah I completely agree with your post and what Harrington said. This is all being blown out of proportion.
I am just pointing out that if he didn't say he talked to double digit people, this wouldn't be such a big deal.
It’s only become a big deal because some want to be angry online at the GM. Plus many are taking Friedman’s speculation and treating it as sourced reporting, which it isn’t. It also didn’t help things with how Friedman’s speculation was initially presented.
I believe the first post introducing Friedman’s comments into the discussion were from
@MOGlLNY several pages ago. He posted that Friedman said that they really didn’t do much of a search and that he
thinks Pegula was involved in the decision. Essentially feeding into the Pegula as the puppet master narrative. Which was catnip for the conspiracy theory crowd. I don’ think
@MOGlLNY was trying to stir the pot but it was the end result.
The reality of Friedman’s comments were different than that initial framing, including him saying later this was Adams decisions. But a few posters took the intial take and ran with it. The cat was already out of the bag. What Friedman has said on the matter has been primarily speculation, not sourced reporting. I don’t say that a criticism of Friedman. It’s his job to comment on this stuff whether he has direct sources or not.