Regionally its a sweetheart deal for County of Strathcona which should be redressed as Edmonton is the reason people even live in the region. Most that don't work in refineries work, shop, play in Edmonton.
The industrial tax base of course allows for much more provision of service and getting more bang for buck for property taxes. Regionally its a sweetheart deal for County of Strathcona which should be redressed as Edmonton is the reason people even live in the region. Most that don't work in refineries work, shop, play in Edmonton.
Most that don't work in the energy industry or aren't truckers. Just refineries is a bit too narrowly focused.
The associated personal income taxes with those jobs is huge and a significant portion of revenue for the County. In 2019 the median family income in the County was $136K, for St. Albert it was $131K , for Stony Plain it was $105K and for Edmonton it was $98K. This is an interesting site for poking around for data like household income in Alberta.
Alberta Regional Dashboard
The City of Edmonton tried to address the inequities with the Edmonton Metro Transit Services Commission. Strathcona County felt they were asked to kick in too much and felt they better served their residents with putting that money towards those sweet double decker buses.
Gotta love the City of Edmonton bureaucracy. The regional transit plan and the commission died when the City of Edmonton pulled out five weeks ago. But you can still find a link to the Commission on the City's website.
Basic information about the Edmonton Metropolitan Transit Services Commission. Its purpose is to provide integrated transit services for Members and enhance transit services by combining the strengths of the Members and implementing new technologies.