Mick..the time line is straight forward. SCF in 07..~ 12 home playoff dates and a packed arena in the month leading up to it.
from 07/08-10/11..4 years of near nothing..2 years in, 2 years out..2 series total ~ 6 games total..In all 4 years, the late season attendance was probably poor.
So by 2011 the team is not generating anywhere near the cash needed..so he starts cutting back. Then piss poor drafting lead to a stagnant 5 years (11/12-15/16)....3 years in, 2 out. 4 series total ~ 11 games. So even more revenue issues.
everything that happened was per script.
Piss poor management (Muckler and Murray) led to an on ice collapse that they could not correct. Which led to no playoffs, which led to revenue shortage, which got him to pinch pennies. His fault for staying with the 2 GMs. No one can survive if in 9 years, 5 appearance, 6 series and ~15 games...That is 1/2 to 1/3 of the playoff games that you need.
He did not picnh pennies until his revenue dried up and even then, he was still spending...But man to leave Murray in as long as he did...