I guess this fact above is why I asked the question. The Leafs are winning, in the top 3 in points overall, just keep winning games in different ways...yet after we beat a team, those fans “aren’t impressed” and they just comment “they won’t win a round” as if they KNOW already how it will play out.
Just seems odd. We beat your team, but that doesn’t impress you. If anything, your team is, by that logic, even LESS impressive. We are top 3, your team is not....but after beating your team, our team won’t win a playoff round. How does saying that make sense?
I say it seems odd simply because everyone here posts their opinion because they believe they know something about hockey, the game, what a won-loss record it, etc, even if they blindly root for one particular team. It seems more like those posts are just thrown out there to the collective hive so they can commiserate amongst themselves and make themselves feel better. Makes for pathetic reading, though. Even when Leafs fans post that kind of thing too.
I have lurked, largely, for years here, posting now and then, and I know the Leafs are quite likely the most hated team (and accordingly, the most despised fan base here), but it seems kinda sad that now that we are having success, other people who would claim to know hockey and understand how the game works would flat out say silly things like I listed above, even though it’s the Leafs, and still expect to be taken seriously.
I also agree that the way last night’s game ended is not the best, and yes, the Leafs shouldn’t do that every game...but they DON’T do that every game. No team plays the perfect game every night, but the good teams just win more often than the others. That is what it comes down to, and hopefully the Leafs get the 8 wins they need to get the heck out of this division and show the rest of the league what they’ve got.