Home team overreaction.A bit over the top reaction from the Red Wings announcer though saying it could make him sick just watching it.
I don't like what Robertson did but looked like a bit of a dive
I'm all about the suck backThe game is already over, like I told y'all it would be even before it startedNo reason to hit a sucka with a crosscheck there, it don't matter though if they scesore. The game is over. Robertson will get a pass cause he hasn't played in a long while. Now the sucka back, might be a future gangsta for us. There's a long road like rambo I though.
The biggest change iced noticed is he seems a lot stronger and sure footed on his skates this time aroundRobertson doesn’t look so out of place in the big leagues today
last time a lot of tripping and fanning
not so much this time
unless its for Ryder, Halak, and a 2nd!Holl is out there, trade is off
A bit over the top reaction from the Red Wings announcer though saying it could make him sick just watching it.