Can someone please explain this to me?
These are two different scoring chances that Brandon Carlo had last night.
View attachment 645050
View attachment 645051
He released the shot in almost the exact same area.
The first scoring chance was graded out as a 0.04 xG taken from 27 feet away whereas the second scoring chance was graded out as a 0.13 xG taken from 18 feet away.
First chance is the S on this chart and the second chance is the G
View attachment 645057
On the second scoring chance they classify it as a "Rebound" event but the rebound event occured at 7:39 or even 7:34 of the second and the goal scored was 7-12 seconds removed from the actual rebound. Carlo took a shot from the point, Liljegren had possession for a second and failed a clear and was grabbed by Lindholm, who takes a shot that hits traffic. Coyle retrieves puck feeds puck back to Lindholm who then passes it to Carlo. When Carlo actually gets the puck on his stick its now so far removed from the first or second rebound event its hilarious to grade this a rebound event.
Actually in the second scoring chance where Carlo actually scores, Sandin is partially in the shooting lane and Carlo grabbed the pass almost standing flat footed whereas the first scoring chance he was able to skate fully into the shot with no defender even close to the shooting lane.
You can easily make an argument that the first scoring chance was superior but somehow the expected goals for model says that the second chance was 3 times more likely to end up in a goal. To place these scoring chances a full 9 feet apart in distance is a total joke but it seems like something that is pretty common with these sites.