Chelios isn't a perfect arbiter of integrity either and I don't think we're on a moral high ground to burden Shanahan with Chelios' perspective of him.
I would wager that Shanahan submits to his own standard and if he does re-sign, will do so for a shorter term that adheres to Treliving's tenure and Matthews' contract. And by standards, I mean he's been more than fair with previous players, coaches and managers allowing time for opportunity of redemption and conclusive assessment. He's also owned his mistakes at pressers. But it is fashionable to completely forget what steps Shanahan took towards improving our club and the systematic fashion he went about empowering certain people against specific context.
All that said, that doesn't mean that it would illogical that he is the next piece to go. Quite the opposite.
I think there's a possibility we were duped by the two foundational pieces that NO ONE could have predicted - including Mark Hunter when drafted Marner, or us for Marner's first three seasons.
The obvious point of departure occurred when we signed Tavares. That singular act dismantled every necessary developmental and team building gate. And shock of shocks, it's already been seven years since that signing.
And that's what everyone is feeling because of the perch we found ourselves looking down from - shock that we haven't made the Conference Finals, the single second round and two first rounds....It's justifiable to be in shock given the heights that seemed inevitable.
Mike Babcock was right on so many fronts. And one thing he NAILED Matthews on was something he shared in person with him when he said something to the effect: If your talent exceeds your work ethic, you'll never succeed.
I think Shanahan has pivoted correctly. I think Covid played a part and I think Dubas saw the light too late as well. As I mentioned to another member, its as though there's a memo that's routinely sent from above management that says, X-outlay for X-type of player with X-type trade impact for some unknown media value that's handed down, and GM after GM, this self-sabotaging Toronto model imposes itself as though each new iteration of Leafs management hasn't seen PRECISELY the same red button pushed to our detriment.