It's so disappointing.
At the beginning of the year, I was so excited with the arrival of Roy, Kidney, Davidson, Farrell, Heinemen, Struble and Mailloux. I thought we have a good team. Kidney, Davidson, Farrell and Heinemen have under-performed.
And I don't buy in the fact that we suck because of the injuries or call-ups. I think most of the AHL teams experience that as well. Our teams, parent and farm, both suck. It's just as simple as that. And we have been struggling for years now.
Our prospects keep discouraging me year after year: Mysak, Norlinder, Teasdale, Vejdemo, Fairbrother, Brook, Poehling, Fleury, McCarron, Audette, Lernout, Scherbak etc. etc. etc.
Next year, I'll remind myself not being excited when Beck, Mesar, Tuch, Reinbacher join the team (full-time).