He just needs to find his game, so many fellow teammates and others have spoken highly of him, the expectations are probably on his mind. If Leafs had traded a 4th Rounder for him he might not feel the pressure. That isn't on him, he didn't give up the assets for his services, he doesn't need to carry the world or the team, just do your part. He needs to forget about anything but his next shift and consider himself as one man in a cog of a machine that should have one goal: A Cup
Foligno came in with the same massive expectations because we overpaid with a 1st Rounder for him. He is here for at least another year on a very good Cap price so he just has to play his game with the objective of accumulating wins.
I take solace in the repeated responses from the team, Matthews and Nylander in particular keep referring to the playoffs. All of this is window dressing until then.
He is just one player. He is making a fraction of what the big names make so he doesn't need to do anything but his part on whatever line he is on. Play with intention, hustle and sacrifice and he will be fine. He threw the most hits last night, THAT is a big contribution come playoffs. Huge. Try and build momentum each shift and find a groove, the team doesn't expect you to get points everynight, but if he and his linemates are taking the body, wearing down the opposition, that's a big part of playoff success.
Also, the inevitable will occur once playoffs start "it's a fresh start for guys who now have a new season to prove their value". This will be repeated for Reilly and other players as well, "fresh start" come April. Until then just build your game and momentum for the playoffs.