Movies: Last Movie You Watched and Rate It | Part#: Some High Number


Jun 10, 2003
Oh god, I'm in this boat too. It's so hard to find the words sometimes and you just end up falling back into the same phrases. I sometimes FEEL like I know what I'm thinking, but can't put the words to it.
So true. One trick I've learned over the years (when writing something serious) is just to keep it simple and stay within my limitations. Too often people try to impress their readers and wind up writing big words, long sentences and write long dissertations. Rule of thumb on a message board is to try to keep it to 3 paragraphs at most, otherwise you lose people. I can be guilty of that too. My challenge is two-fold, after spending the difficult period of putting thoughts to paper, I'll set it aside for awhile. Then I come back and cut it, simplify it, for the poor victims who have to read my sh/t. Learning to put the words to paper is often difficult, learning to cut and edit is equally important IMHO.

I'll never write a masterpiece. I'd get writer's block just trying (never get out of the starter's block). If a thought is too difficult, just write it best you can, simply. Leave it. Come back to it later and fix it best you can. I might not succeed but the exercise is good over the long run. I think haha.
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Mario Lemieux fan 66

Registered User
Nov 2, 2012
That sure got my attention.

He delivers a good performance in it but i don't think that otherwise it's your kind of movie.

1991: 7.8/10

Ricardo Trogi does it again. After 1981 and 1987, 1991 is also a strong comedy and one of the best movie of the year so far.


Jun 10, 2003
Dans La Brume (Just A Breath Away): 7.4/10 good sci-fi movie with Romain Duris
I hadn't heard of this. It's a Canada-France co-production. Just watched it. I liked it better than Stephen King's The Mist actually because it didn't need monsters. The Director does a very good job of orchestrating and maintaining suspense and mystery just with ordinary people facing an extraordinary circumstance. Who needs monsters (I was entertained enough just watching them react to the pressures of the emergency and apocalyptic events unfolding around them). Unfortunately I figured out the ending so I was disappointed when that's what actually happened. I prefer being surprised.

Nalens Oga

Registered User
Jan 5, 2010
Subscribed again to Netflix Canada. Quite disappointed with their film selection tbh. The pre-1970 classic film selection has completely gone to shit and we don't have the option of Filmstruck in Canada (I am fortunate to have access to Kanopy streaming for now which has plenty of good Criterion releases on it but the quality is no better than what you can easily download/stream for free). The quality of actual films on Netflix itself is rather poor. I have a huge watchlist and it's not like I've seen every good film. Yet after scouring the entire site, this is all I could find to add to watch from well-reviewed movies. And even on this list, only the top 2 are highly-rated widely, the rest are just average to above-average from reviewers.

Sin City
The Disaster Artist
Sense & Sensibility
Fried Green Tomatoes
Charlie Wilson's War
American Hustle
Begin Again
Erin Brockovich
Lucky Number Slevin
Field of Dreams
The Wailing
Personal Shopper
A Most Wanted Man
Wall Street
Howard's End
A Man Called Ove
Girl, Interrupted
Blue Jay
The Constant Gardener
Bon Cop Bad Cop
Blue Ruin
The Ice Storm
Enter The Void


McEnroe: The older I get, the better I used to be.
Jun 14, 2006
Subscribed again to Netflix Canada. Quite disappointed with their film selection tbh. The pre-1970 classic film selection has completely gone to **** and we don't have the option of Filmstruck in Canada (I am fortunate to have access to Kanopy streaming for now which has plenty of good Criterion releases on it but the quality is no better than what you can easily download/stream for free). The quality of actual films on Netflix itself is rather poor. I have a huge watchlist and it's not like I've seen every good film. Yet after scouring the entire site, this is all I could find to add to watch from well-reviewed movies. And even on this list, only the top 2 are highly-rated widely, the rest are just average to above-average from reviewers.

Sin City
The Disaster Artist
Sense & Sensibility
Fried Green Tomatoes
Charlie Wilson's War
American Hustle
Begin Again
Erin Brockovich
Lucky Number Slevin
Field of Dreams
The Wailing
Personal Shopper
A Most Wanted Man
Wall Street
Howard's End
A Man Called Ove
Girl, Interrupted
Blue Jay
The Constant Gardener
Bon Cop Bad Cop
Blue Ruin
The Ice Storm
Enter The Void
I agree with this estimation. Netflix has very few movies worth seeing. With a couple of exceptions, its international selection is the pits. From your list I would recommend The Wailing; Field of Dreams; The Constant Gardener; and A Most Wanted Man.


Jun 10, 2003
Netflix has been transforming it's business model from renting content from film and TV production companies to creating their own content. They claim their strategy to drop films from distributors is their own idea but I suspect film distributors were also asking for more money and/or decided to create their own streaming services. HBO was one of the first to leave Netflix (they opted to stream on their own HBO Go); that left a big hole at the time. Eventually others followed suit. It's definitely no longer the Netflix from 5 years ago. A lot of their own content is average. Unfortunately it seems to be morphing into a regular tv channel with a binging feature and limited On Demand movies. I'm still a subscriber but I'm mulling my options.


Real Life FTL
Oct 18, 2006
skyscraper 7/10
not sure why Americans didn't want to watch it. a good ol action movie .the rock does it well. in the end it's supposed to break even so everyone can move on .it's not based off a book or franchise so not the end of the world


Registered User
Apr 2, 2005
Vancouver, BC
I unsubscribed from Netflix Canada a few years ago. Their selection stinks, and honestly, I'd much rather read reviews/recommendations/curations and then buy a smaller number of specific stuff that interests me than casually browse and binge a large number of hit or miss stuff, personally.

On top of that, there's so much lame stuff that's popular and that you would have to wade through that there's honestly something to be said for the reward in just not having to be made aware of their existence.

I'm completely off the grid now in terms of subscription services and it feels better, IMO.
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Spring in Fialta

A malign star kept him
Apr 1, 2007
Montreal, QC
Watched those two back to back.

Boyz N the Hood (1991) - Really does not stand the test of time, despite some incredibly funny interactions. The characters are all blatant archetypes, and all the scenes are incredibly on-the-nose in their preachiness and are just frankly poor story-telling wise. Cartoonish. For example, there's a scene where Trey, the main character - a straight arrow/no negative traits - is walking home and sees a toddler about to be hit and is able to grab hold of the baby before being hit, and taking it home. The mother - a crack addict - opens the door with the crack pipe in hand (of course, or else how could we possibly know she's a crack addict, right?) before asking Trey (who she obviously knows) if he happens to have crack or cocaine with him. This makes no sense. Mostly because if you know the guy, you would be obviously aware there's no chance of him holding crack on him. The movie is littered with these kinds of obvious moments that are incredibly distracting. All the scenes feel like set pieces and aren't allowed to grow organically. There's no natural feel to the movie. The movie is entertaining, and the actors interact well with one another - pretty much its only redeeming feature - but outside of that, there's little there to gnaw on.

Menace II Society (1993) - How Boyz N the Hood is held in higher regard than this piece baffles me. M2S is an actual great film. In contrast to the Boyz N the Hood, the story here actually flows seamlessly and the characters are infinitely more interesting and feel much more human. Some actually interesting editing shots as well, which I hadn't picked up the first time and add a lot to the movie's pacing. Common themes also feel a lot more developed and explored in a more thorough fashion without bashing you over the head with it. Great performances by all the leads too. Both movies have a very corny love-making scene though, but outside of that, this one is great with excellent bits of humor as well. Sucks to see Larenz Tate didn't do more as an actor. He's fantastic as O-Dog.


Barry Trotzky
Dec 6, 2015
My Netflix Canada subscription goes well with my laziness, there's just enough content to make it worth like what 10.99?


Registered User
Sep 17, 2012
3.20 out of 4stars

Very Insightful. Impactful. Funny. Relatable. Relevant. Imo, it's a great vehicle to display racism/"reverse racism"/separtism-division (or those are the best words I can come up with now) it's small and large effects and all the possible sides one can take, and a beautiful display on what side one should take. Very enjoyable and delivered excellently.
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Jul 18, 2011
Killarney, MB
Deadpool 2 12 out of 10.

Didn't think it would top the first installment but it eclipsed it for me.

The whole movie was on point. Comedy/Action/Mild Drama/Adult Humor/Music


Registered User
Jan 10, 2007
For example, there's a scene where Trey, the main character - a straight arrow/no negative traits - is walking home and sees a toddler about to be hit and is able to grab hold of the baby before being hit, and taking it home. The mother - a crack addict - opens the door with the crack pipe in hand (of course, or else how could we possibly know she's a crack addict, right?) before asking Trey (who she obviously knows) if he happens to have crack or cocaine with him. This makes no sense. Mostly because if you know the guy, you would be obviously aware there's no chance of him holding crack on him.

To be fair, I'd argue that actually does make sense. Crack heads do and say things that don't make sense. I've seen it.

But point taken.
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Feb 28, 2002
Mojo Dojo Casa House
Deadpool 2 12 out of 10.

Didn't think it would top the first installment but it eclipsed it for me.

The whole movie was on point. Comedy/Action/Mild Drama/Adult Humor/Music

I watched the Super Duper Cut which was 15 minutes longer and I still like the movie. The beginning is rather sombre or dramatic but it all serves a purpose and towards the end the movie just gives big middle finger to logic and continuity. Well at least until the mid-credits. Or rather during them. :laugh:
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May 13, 2011
Somewhere around the world
I watched Til Death Do Us Part on Netflix last night. The movie was a complete rip off of Sleeping with the Enemy. The copied the entire movie with only a few slight differences.

Don't waste your time watching it. I give it 2 out 10 and that's maybe too generous.


Check dein Limit
Apr 30, 2010
Canuck Nation
Look Who's Back

with German people. Very conflicted German people.

Berlin 2014. On the site of the former Fuhrerbunker there suddenly appears...Adolf Hitler. In full uniform and everything. He's you would be. He looks around and realizes there's no war going on. No stormtroopers shooting people, no Shturmoviks turning buildings into rubble, no Red Army screaming down the alleys...nothing. He stands up, briefly talks to some bemused kids shooting a film about soccer, and wanders off. He gets to the Brandenburg Gate and is quickly beset by tourists. Everyone wants a selfie with Hitler (who they all assume is some kind of performance artist Hitler impersonator). He gets beat up by a mime and told to find his own spot, maced by a terrified young mother pushing a stroller, and eventually winds up at a newsagent's kiosk, where he spends the night catching up on world events. He's not happy with what he finds out. The next day, hilarity ensues when he tries to get his uniform cleaned (note: dry cleaners don't do underwear), and he's tracked down by the guy who was filming the kids. See, he just got canned by the tv station and needs a new about this Hitler guy who just showed up insisting he really is Hitler? Off they go on an unscripted Borat-style road trip through modern Germany. Their adventures get millions of youtube views, and the tv station wants to put Hitler on one if its flagship comedy shows. Hitler of course isn't necessarily ha-ha funny, though. Soon there's a movie deal and much social commentary.

Scary and funny in equal measure, and timely considering you-know-who's in charge down south.

On Netflix now.


Registered User
Sep 17, 2012
Grave of the Fireflies
3.70 out of 4stars

The saddest animated movie ever made, bar none. Displays the personal effects war can have on even the most jolly, loving, and resilient innocent youth.


Registered User
Nov 12, 2012
The Game


One of those movies that just mentally f*** you


McEnroe: The older I get, the better I used to be.
Jun 14, 2006

A Ciambra
(2018) Directed by Jonas Carpignano 6B

A Ciambra is about Pio (Pio Amata), a 14-year-old boy, living in a Gypsy community in southern Italy. His older brothers are involved in various forms of crime, and he wants to do his share. He is in a rush to be a man, and he makes some progress toward his goal. As criminals go, though, he is one of the more likeable ones. Still a kid basically and very responsible in his own way, he navigates the minefield that is his neighbourhood with a certain aplomb. For all his wanting to be a man, his boyish good nature keeps standing out. The movie wants to make a point: that the Pios of the world are basically good kids doomed by circumstances beyond their control. A Ciambra with its neo-realist approach and handheld camerawork can seem like a long slog on occasion as the camera relentlessly focuses on Pio as he wanders around dark streets and alleyways or interacts with his boisterous family members. The main thing the movie has going for it is the performance by near amateur (its only his second role) Pio Amata. The kid is a total natural as an actor and manages to carry the entire movie, usually wordlessly, just by the changing expressions of his face. While deciding whether to betray his friend or not, the major plot turn in the movie, he literally balances between adulthood and childhood. A Ciambra is well-intentioned, intermittently moving and tedious in parts, but it is still worth seeing for Amata's wonderful performance.

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Registered User
Apr 15, 2015
St Louis
Ready Player One (2018) 6.5/10

I watched this travesty this weekend and I think you are being extremely generous, I went into it knowing that many people who read the book hated it, but that happens anytime a book is made into a movie. Plus I knew there would no way to acquire all the rights to the massive amounts of references in the book. What they did is take out all the charm and fun of the book (The book is not great but was a lot of fun for nerds like me that grew up in that time). They changed EVERYTHING, it is not even close to the same story and the sad part is they did not have to switch everything up, there was no reason to change everything. It was the worst movie I have seen in a long time. I really wanted to like it too :(
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Better Call Sal

Nov 24, 2011
New Jersey
Unsane - 7/10

For what it is, it's very entertaining. Claire Foy's performance is excellent and very captivating.

While the cinematography is neat in it being shot purely off an iPhone, it can be distracting at times. It definitely worked the most strongly in the scenes that took place within the center, especially in the hallway shots.

Mario Lemieux fan 66

Registered User
Nov 2, 2012
Mission Impossible - Fallout : 7.8/10 Very good but the MI3 remains my favorite of the serie.

Nobody knows: 7/10
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Trap Jesus

Registered User
Feb 13, 2012
Just saw Tangerine (2015, Sean Baker). I have to say I'm mildly disappointed after hearing so many people claim it was better than The Florida Project, but with that being said it was still a great watch, and the craftsmanship behind the filmmaking is so unbelievably obvious even if you don't go in with the knowledge that it was shot on an iPhone. I feel like whatever Sean Baker does next, surely he'll HAVE to get a best director nod; he's just making so many unique decisions in his movies, and I don't think there's a director working today that can draw out the type of acting performances that he gets, all from either complete unknowns or relatively unknown actors (aside from Willem Dafoe). Not to mention that he was the casting director for Tangerine as well.

I thought the movie was a bit jarring to start, just because it felt so foreign to me with the way everyone talked and acted, almost like it felt like they were caricatures, but then it hits its stride when they give the characters way more depth and starts to get very entertaining in the last half or so. A lot of funny/crazy moments towards the end, although I was hoping it would be funnier overall. Walks a nice line between the absurd and still feeling humanist.

Stylistically, it looks really good, and obviously amazing for an iPhone; really nice color palette. The use of music is interesting. Don't know if I completely loved that aspect, but it definitely stands out, that's for sure.


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