Forgotten (2017) Directed by Zhang Hang-jun 4A
Forgotten is proof positive that every South Korean genre piece isn’t a good movie. The many twists to the story begin when the younger brother of a family of four begins to suspect that the rest of his family are impostors trying to do him harm. He is on medication and has bad dreams, so we don’t know how reliable his assertions are. Eventually there is an explanation, and then a few more twists on top of that. On a superficial level Forgotten pushes the right buttons, but the narrative is so ridiculous that the lucidity of the story telling can’t make up for the stupidity of the plot. Another problem with the movie is that director Zhang Hang-jun is so set on making the twists coherent that the movie lacks the character development and grace notes that add power and empathy to better South Korean films. There is some morsel of craftsmanship here, but you have to turn off your brain completely to appreciate it.