The team got itself in this mess because what you wrote. When you have a good roster that only needs 1-3 top 13 players all told, you draft 3 to 4 prime players in any one year. Your two year total is 6-8. You hope that the 1-3 come out of that. So, splitting the middle, you are at 2 players needed, 7 available.. on the off chance that more than 5 miss, you have one spot to fill, so you trade, free agency and you fill the gap.
these 2 miss? when you need 2 defensemen and your entire pool is 3 thus far (those 2 and Brannstram), possibly one in this years draft, possibly one in 5 guys, have to produce 2 spots.. and two miss....bringing you to 2 out of 3.....
Free agency here? .there isn't over a million posts on this subject matter and money issues, etc. And a top 4 D in free agency..what do you think, low dollar, low term?..You did read my post above about Karl Alsner and PK Subban.
we are in a position where we must rely almost solely on our own resources. Almost exclusively on our drafts and young prospects. Sine time zero was 2015, it means 5 years of drafts at roughly 1 prospect a year...6 in all, plus zytsev. Move forward 2 years, an additional one D per..makes the total 9 d.
7 of 9 have to be here.