Lamar Odom fighting for his life

Power Man

Sep 30, 2008
221B Baker Street
Meanwhile at CNN...


Sports Enthusiast

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Sep 19, 2010
Middle of nowhere
Amen to that.

God I hate the ****in KarTRASHians with a passion.

And the media who are obsessed with them and people who are "fans" of their's and watch that trash are almost as bad as they are.

That family isn't entirely to blame for Odom's downward spiral but there's no doubt in my mind they're part of it.

That show is funny to watch. Especially older episodes now with Bruce Jenner and all the things he said and how he acted all hardcore man and all. Its a good snarkfest.

Thing it or not the ONLY reason they are talking about this as much as they are is because of them. If it was somebody who wasn't famous and just a regular basketball player but was good they would mention it when it happened buy moved on until he kicks the bucket or wakes up. They wouldn't follow the play by play.

Sports Enthusiast

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Sep 19, 2010
Middle of nowhere
Well now they will stop talking about it 24-7. Will be interesting to see what happens with his brain. I'd have to assume a lot of damage if he had strokes. With that it's really a crapshoot. I'm not sure he will be a vegetable or anything of that nature but I would have to think that there will be some big mental impairment ahead for him.

Quid Pro Clowe

Registered User
Dec 28, 2008
Being a top notch athlete probably has played a huge role in his current state. Most people don't survive that type of ordeal.

Sports Enthusiast

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Sep 19, 2010
Middle of nowhere
Being a top notch athlete probably has played a huge role in his current state. Most people don't survive that type of ordeal.

What? Top notch is a guy like LeBron. Aaron Rodgers. Baseball at this point is tough to pick because you either have young guys who still have to consistently perform and stay healthy or old guys like A-Rod who are long out of their prime. Hockey Ovechkin or Crosby. None of the guys at the top of those sports have had issues aside from A-Rod and PED use but I kind of give him a pass because he sure as hell wasn't the only guy. I think it had way more to do with his upbringing. Didn't a couple of his best friends just die to boot?

Quid Pro Clowe

Registered User
Dec 28, 2008
Being a top notch athlete doesn't mean the best player in the game. He's still alive because besides drug use his body is in great shape.


i bent my wookie
Mar 12, 2009
You never know what's in those "herbal" treatments and then add onto that drugs & alcohol abuse, it can do quite a number on your kidneys, liver, and other organs.

Sports Enthusiast

Not Here To Be Liked
Sep 19, 2010
Middle of nowhere
Haha did you ever watch KUWTK? His eating habits were terrible. He always ate candy and sweets and his wife would always get him a huge snack basket if they went on a vacation. I mean I get it he's a bigger guy but he didn't eat healthy at all for an athlete. Yes you need carbs to burn off but that doesn't mean there shouldn't be a balance.


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