Been there many times, mostly Thompson Manitoba (including transit to and from). It's not as bad now because there are more immigrants, so at least now some of them can tell the difference between Asians and First Nation.
As recently as 2010, I couldn't get served at restaurants unless I had a white person accompanying me. I ate lunch at the Chinese restaurant by the bridge almost every day because that was the only restaurant that would serve me when I was alone. Then they built a Boston Pizza (around 2013 I think, maybe earlier), and the manager was a cool guy. That was the only bar I would go to, since I got good service since the help would see me talking to the manager all the time.
I'm sure it's better though with the influx of immigrants, especially East Indians (7.5% now, vs 0% back in 2000). They even have an Indian restaurant in town now. The smaller towns with no immigrants are still ass backwards. I'm too old for that BS, so I just refuse to go up there anymore.