News Article: Kovalev talking smack about Subban


Registered User
Nov 11, 2010
« C’est un bon joueur, mais il demeure un défenseur risqué. Il peut procurer cinq buts, mais en permettre cinq donc le pointage serait égal. Je le compare toujours à Brian Leetch car il veut aussi jouer un style plus offensif. Il ne prend pas toujours les bonnes décisions et il joue seulement comme il le faisait dans la rue dans son enfance », a jugé Kovalev sans retenue.


Subban is bad defensively, wants to be Brian Leetch and doesn't take the right decisions. :shakehead

This guy really lost it


Registered User
Dec 7, 2011
« C’est un bon joueur, mais il demeure un défenseur risqué. Il peut procurer cinq buts, mais en permettre cinq donc le pointage serait égal. Je le compare toujours à Brian Leetch car il veut aussi jouer un style plus offensif. Il ne prend pas toujours les bonnes décisions et il joue seulement comme il le faisait dans la rue dans son enfance », a jugé Kovalev sans retenue.


Subban is bad defensively, wants to be Brian Leetch and doesn't take the right decisions. :shakehead

This guy really lost it

but to be fair, you have to mention the other 4 interviews that kovalev gave where he couldnt be bothered to talk about subban so he just went through the motions and let everything slide.

and wanting to be like a guy who got into the HOF on his first try is a bad thing ? yikes.


Registered User
Nov 11, 2010
Well, I'm not sure how being compared to HoF Brian Leetch is really talking smack..

my bad for assuming that everybody reads french

Yet repeatedly criticized for its erratic and individualistic performances, Alex Kovalev has not hesitated to criticize the play of PK Subban and his whopping contract.

Certainly Kovalev has not lost his outspokenness retiring from professional hockey.

"He's a good player, but he remains a dangerous defender. It can get five goals, but allow five so the score would be equal. I always compare it to Brian Leetch because he also wants to play a more attacking style. It does not always take the right decisions and plays just like he did on the streets as a child, "Kovalev ruled without restraint.

Met through the golf tournament his foundation that helps children with heart disease, Kovalev has maintained its momentum.

"I do not understand how players can get such contracts now. It's a different time and the players that preceded my generation probably thought the same of us, "said one who was nicknamed the Artist.

Kovalev had not finished its analysis of Habs defenseman.

"He won the Norris Trophy so it may be a reason why he was awarded this contract.

"But with regard to his game, I do not understand why he gets so much money," he concluded on that he does not see as the next captain of the Canadiens.

In this regard, Kovalev also has a strong opinion on which route to take idea.

"Max Pacioretty has already shown what he could do to help the team. It would be perfect for this "candidate, suggested that Kovalev believes that leadership must also be borne by all the players.

The author of 1029 points in 1316 NHL games believes his fellow Russian, Andrei Markov, is not interested in this feature.

"It could be a good candidate, but he is not attracted to the position of captain. It is not he who speaks the most. I have nothing against him, but we need the player who gives the greatest example on the ice like Max who shows the way for others, "he decided.

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No excuses!
Jun 11, 2007
I'm sorry, but Kovalev is completely out to lunch.

He's coming off as a complete dinosaur with a ginormous chip on his shoulder.

I hope Subban has a career that leads him to a first ballot HOF nomination, something which Kovalev will never get.


Registered User
Aug 20, 2006
I agree with Kovalev. There are so many times where Subban just picks up the puck with the intention of trying to go around every last guy, turnover machine.


Registered User
Feb 16, 2005
god forbid someone criticizes subban lol

Everyone can have an opinion. It RDS who blows it up but making it a huge story.

At the end of the day, its one man's opinion.


Registered User
Jul 12, 2011
Well I just lost a bit of respect for Kovalev, my once favourite player.

I can understand that he might not see him as the best decision maker (maybe a symptom of Subban being alone out there doing everything by himself perhaps), but to write him off as the future captain of the Canadiens?.. ya just keep yer yap shut, hater.


Error 520
Mar 8, 2006
"Je le compare toujours à Brian Leetch car il veut aussi jouer un style plus offensif." - Doesn't this mean "I compare him to a Brian Leetch since he similarly wants to play a more offensive style".

To me is seems he's just jealous of the contracts though based on the rest of the interview.


Registered User
Sep 11, 2011
If there is someone who knows about good decision making and always making the right plays with the puck, and not being risky defensively... its Alex Kovalev....

Oh wait... thats not alex kovalev at all.

I think he believed he should be captain at one point as well, and even wore the C when Koivu was hurt.

What a jackass.


Registered User
Sep 11, 2011
The reports of PK Subban being bad defensively are often greatly exaggerated.

From an article looking at pre olympic talk that PK Subban was too bad defensively for team canada.

In fact, P.K. Subban stacks up as one of Canada's very best defensive blueliners, both at even strength and on the penalty kill, and far more proficient defensively than not only Jay Bouwmeester and Dan Hamhuis, but Duncan Keith and to a lesser extent Shea Weber as well.
Of all the defensemen selected to team Canada, P.K. Subban not only has the biggest positive effect on his team's offense, but the biggest positive effect on his team's defense too.

Kriss E

Registered User
May 3, 2007
Kovalev just comes off as a bitter fool.
He doesn't understand how players, including PK, get these insane deals that he missed out on.

I don't get his Pacioretty pick for captaincy saying you need someone that leads by his play on the ice when Max disappeared in POs. Meanwhile PK makes very bold statements in the media a la Messier and backs them up.

Not sure what Kovalev's beef is. Yes, PK likes to rush the play up. That will obviously mean he'll get caught at times. Shouldn't Kovalev be the first to understand that when you like to carry the puck up, you'll lose it quite a few times??
Doesn't mean he's a liability. Just like I seriously doubt Kovalev would call himself a liability.

He's not making much sense here.
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Registered User
Mar 6, 2012
Freedom of expression is one of the most important rules for a democratic society.Now do I agree with Kovalev maybe not.Hey has Geoff Molson told Guy Lafleur not to express his opinion on Subban contract because he has been very quite since his last comment about star habs not showing up in play-offs-any comment on why Lafleur has been so quite

Kriss E

Registered User
May 3, 2007
I agree with Kovalev. There are so many times where Subban just picks up the puck with the intention of trying to go around every last guy, turnover machine.

Subban had 1 giveaway more than Doughty and Markov.

Players that like to carry the puck and create plays will have high turnovers. Who do you expect to have more giveaways?? The guy that just sits back and passes the puck to players like PK and Markov? Or the guy that always has the puck?


Registered User
Sep 8, 2012
you guys should watch the video before bashing kovalev, not even sure OP watched ità-boulets-rouges-sur-subban-1.1333853

watch from 5 minutes, hes asked who should be captain he says Pacioretty, hes asked if Markov should be captain he says no (OH NO TALKING SMACK!) then hes asked about Subban contract and he says that he doesnt understand how they give contracts these days, yes he says subban is risky and sometimes play like street hockey but thats his opinion
I dont think he watches a lot of habs games, he probably just read about them on internet and he seems bitter about the contracts given these days

I disagree with him because IMO Subban should be the captain over Pac and hes my favorite habs player


Registered User
Oct 21, 2006
I guess Kovalev would be an expert on being a great offensive player but turnover machine.

I'd rather a turnover machine that cares every game than one that does every 4 games.


If you rebuild, they will come.
Jan 5, 2003
Allowed to have his opinion. Yet, it shows that he’s not watching hockey and is stuck with what Subban was 5 years ago or that he just loves reading uninformed opinions of people who still believes Subban is the same player he was in the 1st year of his OHL career. Same people who thought that he never improved despite being called one of the best DEFENSIVE d-man in the OHL in his last year by the coach of his association….


Second most interesting man in the world.
Aug 20, 2003
Norfolk, VA
Allowed to have his opinion. Yet, it shows that he’s not watching hockey and is stuck with what Subban was 5 years ago or that he just loves reading uninformed opinions of people who still believes Subban is the same player he was in the 1st year of his OHL career. Same people who thought that he never improved despite being called one of the best DEFENSIVE d-man in the OHL in his last year by the coach of his association….

I also think that there is some jealousy going on, Subban being the new local hockey deity, while the sun has set on Kovy's career. Not to mention the difference in paychecks.


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