With all due respects Brown was a nobody until Kopitar came along...Have you seen Thomas play,he's going to be a good one...at 24 Minnesota is not going to find a D-man they like and they aren't taking another forward after taking one at 11!
Brown was picked 13th overall in the best draft in recent memory, he was hardly a nobody. You don't get picked before that many highly touted guys if you are average. That's the first time I've ever heard that take about Brown.
I want Thomas to succeed, and yes, I've seen him play. I don't see first line talent there at all, he's got a slight build and will get punished by top defensive pairs. I think he has great IQ, but he slows things down and doesn't always make quick decisions. Maybe that's because Niagra kind of sucked, but it was noticeable. He also plays much better at center than he does on the wing, and I don't see him playing in the middle effectively in the NHL.
He reminds me a lot of Mike Donnelly, really. Quick skater, smart, solid offensively, and aware of the ice.