Looks like the 5 year plan re-build will be 7 orv8 years ...at minimum.
Summer remedial learning:
Course A: How to compete
Course B: The basics of team and individual CHECKING...
Course C: How to get to loose pucks then do sonething with it...
Course D: How to get to the o-zone
Course E: How to get clear unblocked shotsvon goal.
Coutse F; How to play hockey withour getting embarrassed.
Course G: How to make and receive a pass...
Course H: How to windraws right back to the point and release clear unblockeable shot on goal.
Course I: Howco defend a 3x3 rush without backing in (pay attention Kaiser).
Course J: How to bulk up but get faster more explosive skatibg speed ...
Course K: The art of not coasting..
Course L: The Achievement of Competence...
Course M: Passing the eye test and the stats test.
COURSE N: The No Return Policy shoukd you Fail to encapsulate all the above lessons in your game.(this includes a 1-wY ticket to Siberia...hope you all enjoy the KHL because if you cannot execute A to M,you will be a goner from the Show....
Steam-rolled and embarrassed in the 1st period...a stiffer response in thec2ndvpriod
..and 3rd?
Is this another 1/3 of a game effort...Will they go back to 3rd period collapse again ..orxwill they actualky TRY (for a change)to ...you know...get a win?
Call me skeptical they can mount stiff challenge ...next goal will tell the tale.
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