I'll probably wait till it goes to $30 or less and the bugs are ironed out. Seems like a pretty interesting game though.
how empty is the world? I have listened to a few reviews and the common theme is that travel between the towns was uneventful with little to no animal life, lack of points of interest to explore and people to interact with.
I haven't had that issue. I changed the graphics a few times in game. Really liking it too, the bugs have been really minor. My only issue is lock picking, I have no idea how to do it yet.Decided to just bite the bullet and buy it. I love it so far. My only gripe is when you make graphics changes it takes like 2 to 3 minutes to apply the changes, even at the intro menu. WTF is up with that?
It's terrible on PC especially, since full speed is the only option where on console you can feather it more. The flip side is it's easier to guide the pick on PC with the mouse.I haven't had that issue. I changed the graphics a few times in game. Really liking it too, the bugs have been really minor. My only issue is lock picking, I have no idea how to do it yet.
There are bugs, plain and simple, but I haven't hit anything more serious than bugs I ran into in any Elder Scrolls or Fallout game at launch. If you watched videos and liked the mechanics you saw, I'd buy it. You'll easily gets dozens of hours out of this even with any bugs, which are being patched.I'm glad to hear some of the later comments in this thread because I had been watching a Let's Play of this and was really interested in buying the game but the first page of comments and a few reviews were making me wonder. I'm still not 100% sure about buying it but I'm definitely leaning in favor of it.
There are bugs, plain and simple, but I haven't hit anything more serious than bugs I ran into in any Elder Scrolls or Fallout game at launch. If you watched videos and liked the mechanics you saw, I'd buy it. You'll easily gets dozens of hours out of this even with any bugs, which are being patched.
Be prepared to be useless as **** for a while though, as you just start out as an ordinary blacksmith's apprentice with little in the way of skills.
Game is popular I guess...
Be prepared to be useless as **** for a while though, as you just start out as an ordinary blacksmith's apprentice with little in the way of skills.
I'm at the place in the game now where lowly bandits who at the start of the game would have destroyed me now go down in one or two hits and I can easily handle multiple of them at a time, but high level guys like Captain Bernard (the guy who you can train with) will still beat my ass in a real fight. I ran into a high level bandit camp while exploring yesterday and the boss bandit had a warhammer and a full set of high end plate armor, between him and his 4 other well armed guys I got stomped.That's how RPGs should be, IMO. The lower that you start out and the longer that it takes to get powerful, the more rewarding that it ends up being. I like when games (especially the Elder Scrolls series) start you out as a prisoner in barely more than a loin cloth. I usually enjoy the early portions of RPGs more than the latter portions, partly because discovery is half the fun, but also because everything is more of a challenge. Even a lowly mudcrap may be something that you think twice about getting too close to, since it can take a big portion of your health and you may have only a few (or no) precious healing potions. I actually wish that more RPGs would extend the early portions of games, because it seems like they last only 6-10 hours before the games get a lot easier (often because you're inevitably gifted with quest rewards that are much better than what you had and make you much more powerful overnight).
That's how RPGs should be, IMO. The lower that you start out and the longer that it takes to get powerful, the more rewarding that it ends up being. I like when games (especially the Elder Scrolls series) start you out as a prisoner in barely more than a loin cloth. I usually enjoy the early portions of RPGs more than the latter portions, partly because discovery is half the fun, but also because everything is more of a challenge. Even a lowly mudcrap may be something that you think twice about getting too close to, since it can take a big portion of your health and you may have only a few (or no) precious healing potions. I actually wish that more RPGs would extend the early portions of games, because it seems like they last only 6-10 hours before the games get a lot easier (often because you're inevitably gifted with quest rewards that are much better than what you had and make you much more powerful overnight).
No spoilers, but make sure you go drinking with the priest when he asks.This is one of the big reasons I'm loving it so far as well. I was a bit surprised when, after already playing for several hours, the game's opening credits started to roll, and I realized that I had only just finished what was basically the tutorial part of the game. I don't really play a ton of games, so I don't know if this style of combat system is as unique as it seems to me, but it's really interesting. It's taking some getting used to, but it's just so much more fun than say, the Skyrim style of "click mouse to make things dead".
Haven't really encountered many bugs yet, nothing major anyway.
Oh, and having Drinking as a skill is great.
I'm on my second playthrough since I bought it after Christmas. ELEX definitely scratched an itch I didn't even know I had. LolI'll probably check it out at some point. Currently playing ELEX which scratches similar itches so not really sure I should jump right into yet another open world RPG right away.
I'm on my second playthrough since I bought it after Christmas. ELEX definitely scratched an itch I didn't even know I had. Lol
Agree on all counts; I finished them all. Gothic 3 with the fanbase patch that finally got it working was also very good for its time. Gothic 4 (Arcania) on the other hand sucked. Piranah Bytes had moved on to Risen at that point, and the new devs ruined the series by moving away from the sand box/open world concept and putting it on rails.Risen 1 is very similar to ELEX and is worth playing.
Gothic is an even better series if you can handle dated graphics/interfaces. Gothic 2 is one of the best RPGs ever made.
Both have somewhat interesting settings in their own right, but they aren't as unique as ELEX though. But they have the same basic gameplay setup.
I did but ran into my first game breaking bug because of it. I had to go back and go the other route to be able to continue. Might have been something to do with the patch released about that time.No spoilers, but make sure you go drinking with the priest when he asks.
What kind of bug did you get?I did but ran into my first game breaking bug because of it. I had to go back and go the other route to be able to continue. Might have been something to do with the patch released about that time.
I’m looking forward to playing unscrupulously next play through. My character is a bit of a goody two shoes. Except for poaching. Deer are unbelievably good value for money.