Based on what facts?
There are no facts. However, are there facts to suggest he wants to stay?
Kessel's known to be a rather shy guy. The media certainly doesn't help. I however, do not know the details to exactly how intense the media follows him, but I will wager that it is not a positive in terms of reasons why Kessel should stay.
In terms of money, we know Canada has higher taxes, he can definitely get more money elsewhere unless we overpay him (which I'm more than willing to do).
He's American; I'll admit this is a more than weak argument since so many Canadian players choose to play for American teams.
He has no ties to the team that I know of, especially after Burke's firing. I know one reason why Komisarek wanted to be here was because Burke was GM of the American national team. I'm certain this was also enticing to Kessel. Now that he's no longer GM and will most likely be hired by another team in the near future, this connection is gone.
These are just some points to suggest why he may leave us. You can easily say "he loves the city and the people and the team", but those claims are just as factless as my claims. This whole assumption is just a gut feeling. It's a "what if", worst case scenario. I don't want Kessel gone. Who the hell would want to get rid of a leading goalscorer? It's just that if you're faced with losing him for nothing, or losing him for something, I choose to get something in return. If you can prove to me with solid facts and not just some claim Kessel made because he was in front of the media, then I will definitely change my opinion.