If it is indeed rape, it will be swept under the rug and nothing will happen to Kane, like I've already said, it always is. I mean, the Steelers are known for having people stalk and scare the girl who claimed that dirtbag Roethlisberger raped her and she eventually dropped the charges out of fear. Pro teams are known to do stuff like this. It's not only that though, it's a "boys will be boys" mentality towards this that is total bull **** but does indeed exist.
Holy **** though, what a huge dissapointment if this is indeed true. I never held the other stuff against Kane. How many of us in our early 20's got loaded and cruised the town looking for women and made really bad decisions along the way? I can't judge a man for that. But at this point I would of liked to think he has grown up a little bit.
Let's see how this plays out but Kane needs to start putting himself in better situations, regardless if this is true or not.