Josh Anderson Wears Cut Resistant Socks for the 1st Time Last Night (Saves his Season and Maybe Career)

I can’t get my 12y old boy to wear the socks I bought. Drives me crazy. Daughter does though, she likes them. Why not right, but then I don’t wear them either

Socks is getting pretty nitty gritty to mandate. Let’s get through the neck guards first, that one saves a life once a year it seems like.
So then step up and enforce it. If he doesn't wear the socks, tell him he can't play.

The alternative just isn't worth it.
How much do the protective ones cost?

Looks like Howie's (really good online supplier for some stuff, bought a bunch of stick/sock tape for a bit from them back when I played and officiated, until the local pro shops knocked down the price they were charging for it) is selling cut-resistant socks for about $20-30, or a combo of socks and cut-resistant wrist sleeves for $46. Not bad at all.
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Hockey players aren't any different than the average person.

Look back to the years where drinking and driving wasn't a big deal, seatbelts were just an option, cell phone texting and driving was allowed. There was also people that did the right thing and didn't drink and drive, wore seatbelts and didn't use cell phones while driving. There were also people that didn't do the smart thing, but then after an incident started too. With some of those people reverting back to their old ways over time. Heck even in the construction world, look how long it took to make what now is deemed everyday PPE to become the norm. Only really happened once companies and governing bodies made things madatory.

Until the NHL/NHLPA makes something mandatory you aren't going to see the majority of players wearing the extra safety equipment. Especially when at the end of the day players can look at the raw data and say to themselves that the amount of injuries is so small in the grand scheme of things, so why bother changing.
As a weirdo who used to skate barefoot I started wearing these about 5 years ago and it's almost not noticeable

I'm sure pro skaters are more sensitive to small changes than I am (example, guys who change skates every period...who was that, Coffey?) but this one should be a no-brainer imo
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As a weirdo who used to skate barefoot I started wearing these about 5 years ago and it's almost not noticeable

I'm sure pro skaters are more sensitive to small changes than I am (example, guys who change skates every period...who was that, Coffey?) but this one should be a no-brainer imo

Didn't Paul Coffey use like a 2" radius of hollow? You might as well wear shoes instead of skates if your cut is that shallow.
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It's simply a matter of incident rate. It doesn't seem to happen often enough for people to be concerned.

I'm not saying they shouldn't. I understand why it's a good idea. I personally wear them myself. But we just see thousands of games and how often does it come into play? How many people here saying this should be mandatory wear a helmet when they go to a game? I've seen more people in the crowd take an errant puck to the head than this. The fear just isn't there, that's all.
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If hockey players were really concerned about not getting injured, they wouldn’t play hockey. Snowflakes are going to snowflake.
If hockey players were really concerned about not getting injured, they wouldn’t play hockey. Snowflakes are going to snowflake.
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