i would love to see dave more often, hes so honest and refreshing
your probably right, but the few times i listen to ranger games on the radio you can hear dave's passionDave can be Dave on radio because not as many people listen and in between the benches because he's a third man. If he was the main CC guy, you know he'd be muted by Rosasco with the "Everything is always happiness, cotton candy, kittens, and sunshine at the wonderful world of MSG"
I remember a few years into his career they had one of those "getting to know you" things Lundqvist did and he said his favorite show was Dexter. I'm sure PR gave him an earful after haha.
I do go back a ways and have to say I was not a fan of Jim Gordon or Bill Chadwick either. I always thought Marv Albert and Sal Messina on the Rangers radio broadcast were light years superior. Go back and look at some of the Rangers clips on youtube in the 70's and 80's and the commentary from Chadwick and Gordon is wincingly bad---puerile really. They weren't the only ones---the Flyers and Islanders TV people--just ****ing awful. There was almost always engaging commentary coming from the Rangers radio team though and I never could understand why the Rangers just didn't chuck those two ****heads and go with Albert and Messina instead. Marv also did the Knicks though and maybe that was partly why.
If he listed Goring in a so bad he’s good way, I could see it.Goring is awful and in no way in Joe's league
Was just thinking about Red Light the other day. Him & Marv were perfect together. They had just tremendous chemistry. Sal knew how to take Marv's "insults" in stride & was always succinct with his analysis. Those two had a knack for describing what they saw on the ice & it was almost like you were watching the game instead of listening. There wasn't much of a drop off when Howie Rose filled in & then took over for Marv.
I also loved when Sal would fill in on TV for JD occasionally. You could tell he wasn't a flashy guy with his outdated wardrobe, but he always brought his A game. He was never a homer, but you knew his heart was always Blue. He was such a pro.
Agree with you about Chadwick, but not Gordon. Chadwick dragged Gordon down completely. I loved Jim when he was the Giants radio guy.
Nobody, & I mean nobody, was worse than Eddie Westphal!
No doubt Gordon would have been better without Chadwick and that Chadwick was worse. Together they always struck me as two fussy old bachelors.
Living upstate and with only a handful of television channels in the 70's the Rangers would televise most of their road games on WOR with Gordon and Chadwick. Almost all of their home games and some road games I would catch on WNBC radio and Albert and Messina as you said were really, really good. There was a lot of good natured ribbing of Sal by Marv but Marv's rapid fire descriptions of the play did indeed create visions of the action that Messina would unfailingly color in afterwards. My first ten years or so as a Rangers fan I listened to more games on the radio than I watched on television and I almost preferred listening to watching then.
The only other guys in the league I enjoyed as much were the old Sharks guys, but that team was split up a few years ago.
To me at least, there's a difference between being a homer and being overtly critical and calling a guy out publicly for a mistake. When I think of homers, the bar is set at Cusick and Sanderson from WSBK in Boston. Blatant. J.D. was the best in the business for a good stretch. Bill Clement was good too. Some of the voices now leave me wondering. Like Milbury. He's the anti homer. He hates everyone and calls it that way. He's somehow turned being an average defenseman and far below average GM into a lifelong gig. I don't know how he's managed but he's got more lives than a cat.
The analyst you're talking about is Drew Remenda, and yes he's very good. He's bounced back and forth between the Sharks and Oilers, most recently the Oilers.
Craig Simpson is in his own category. Other analysts I like are Ray Ferraro (TSN and some NBC), Olczyk when he's doing the Blackhawks, not so much his work on NBC, Garry Galley (Hockey Night in Canada), Mike Greenlay (Wild) and Kelly Hrudey (Flames).
As far as play-by-play there is Jim Hughson, and there is everybody else. There are some good ones like John Kelly (Blues) and Dean Brown (Senators) but no one else is in Hughson's class.
Thank you. I think it was Remada and Jaime "Game 7" Pushor as a team? It was only a few years ago but I've been through so much with school and work, I forgot his name lol.
Randy Hahn did the play-by-play for the Sharks when Remenda was the analyst. Still does. Those two were very good together.
Phil Esposito is BRUTAL! He sounds like a random guy in the stands that they gave a mic to; sort of like Susan Sarandon level bad.People are spoiled...
You want bad color commentary? Watch the Pens home games... listen to Phil Esposito call a Lightning game...
Do that for like:05 secs & Joe is a dream comparatively.
Was just thinking about Red Light the other day. Him & Marv were perfect together. They had just tremendous chemistry. Sal knew how to take Marv's "insults" in stride & was always succinct with his analysis. Those two had a knack for describing what they saw on the ice & it was almost like you were watching the game instead of listening. There wasn't much of a drop off when Howie Rose filled in & then took over for Marv.
I also loved when Sal would fill in on TV for JD occasionally. You could tell he wasn't a flashy guy with his outdated wardrobe, but he always brought his A game. He was never a homer, but you knew his heart was always Blue. He was such a pro.
Agree with you about Chadwick, but not Gordon. Chadwick dragged Gordon down completely. I loved Jim when he was the Giants radio guy.
Nobody, & I mean nobody, was worse than Eddie Westphal!
The other night was listening to him on XM Radio on my drive back from West Palm Beach... he said (again on radio) multiple times "AHHHHH look at that!!!"Phil Esposito is BRUTAL! He sounds like a random guy in the stands that they gave a mic to; sort of like Susan Sarandon level bad.
Phil Esposito is BRUTAL! He sounds like a random guy in the stands that they gave a mic to; sort of like Susan Sarandon level bad.
Please leave me out of this I'm so tiredThe commentary team should just be me and @silverfish crapping on everyone