In B4 Nic gets 2 and the GWG.
Trevor “2 ton” Kidd....looking a might bit pudgy these days.
For what... a 3rd round pick?
In B4 Nic gets 2 and the GWG.
HEY wait a minute I though the narrative was *we* dominate for 18:30, *they* get a late goal?
That shrimp.... with a shellfish penaltyIf we can keep,Petan off the ice for the 3rd we have a better chance. Christ what a selfish penalty.
Man, so many personal shots on here. Phaneuf, Kidd, Petan - it would be nice to discuss hockey instead of reading some immature anonymous lowblows
3rd period goals...
Jets... did you hear that... ?
Trevor “2 ton” Kidd....looking a bit pudgy these days.