chicken - egg? Who leaked something to Spittin' Garbage, I mean Chicklets?
Who made comments publicly indicating he became educated this time around (I guess so he wasn't to be taken advantage of by the big bad Front Office...and in doing so pretty much said UMaine business classes and maybe his agent were worthless to date since he had to go figure this sh*t out himself)?
Not saying Mgmt doesn't share some culpability, and I have long thought one of my fav players (#8) was a bit of a managerial baffoon, but this is how things go some time, the blame game is really hard to play when we DO NOT KNOW who said what, who offered what, who demanded what. I can speculate all day long that Ullmark was moved after Swayman pledged allegiance to the B and hinted at his cost, then reversed course when he and Gross thought leverage allowed them to do so. But I don't know for sure just as no one here really does.