Good nhl teams these days are managed like any other business. You got the board which here is the president. He reports directly to the owner. You got the CEO which here is the GM. He reports directly to the president (board), You got someone in change of marketing and public relation (COO) and someone in charge of assisting the GM with anything CBA, contracts, rules, ... (CFO) and both are reporting directly to the GM.
I feel like one of the biggest problem with MB is that he looked like a one man show. Molson was not a real president. If there was someone in charge of public relation i don't know who it was and he was doing an awful job toward the end (was fine at first with 24CH and the no excuse). Don't know who assisted MB with the contracts (Timmins?) but man some of them were god damn awful toward the end (was fine the first few years). It was always just MB speaking about playstation, center not being available, dogs and loyalty as well as fox holes. It looke like the number 2 was Therrien ... the more MB had a firm grip on the team's management the worse it became.