I am hoping Costco comes through! And Crap!Anyone know where I get can get a high resolution picture of Martinez with this hands in the air, loud and proud? I want a giant picture of that hanging in my living room. It is my favorite celebration and moment in Kings history. It was perfect! Two goals in this post season that will cement his name in the memory of Kings fans forever.
Buddy, I am trying man
This might be the best front shot., It's like all the photogs were facing the other way
I am still looking man.This is a keeper.
If we could only find a high resolution of the one from the front. The other one is cool too.I like how it has the crowd in the background and Lundqvist flat on his face. Those are definitely "blow up" worth if the allusive perfect shot is not in existence.
A little bummed. My son just said that it's a regional cover. I will probably have the Jacksonville Jaguars or Orlando Magic on my cover :-|
Man, I wish it was a picture of his actual Jazz Hands. Anyone know where I get can get a high resolution picture of Martinez with this hands in the air, loud and proud? I want a giant picture of that hanging in my living room. It is my favorite celebration and moment in Kings history. It was perfect! Two goals in this post season that will cement his name in the memory of Kings fans forever.