I work in Sustainability Consutling (entry level, I just graduated college with an environmental degree). I work in a small firm though, and a lot of the major management consulting companies, McKinsey included, have dedicated sustainability teams, so I've spoken with many employees at these companies (Mckinsey included).
Goldman Sachs hires the smartest people with finance backgrounds, McKinsey hires the smartest thinkers worldwide, it doesn't matter their background. They're put on a tier with BCG and Bain, but from the people I've spoken with McKinsey gets the first pick of the litter at every school. They're truly on their own tier. They are also unanimously the hardest company to get a job at (in any industry, on the planet). Most management consulting companies work mainly with strategy, but McKinsey also works with implementation (as in coming up with a solution for a company, and working with them to make it happen).
For MSG, I think Crease's post is spot on for what they'll be doing. I doubt they'll be personally evaluating the Rangers. My post was more in relation to the fact that Dolan hired the smartest people in the area to figure this out. Management Consulting is an intelligent industry, but McKinsey takes the cake. If hiring someone to do his work is his plan, he can't do any better.