Jagr's old Jofa helmet

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killerbunny1024 said:
does anyone have a link to an auction site or something like that where i can buy the type of helmet that irbe wears? Granted, I'll just keep it as a display or something like that
If you want a brand new one you need to contact Irbe directly. He baught all that was left in JOFA warehouses when they went out of production. No kidding, this is true.
Pepper said:
Those playrs are so god damn stupid, I remember Kurri, Gretzky and Lowe wear those ridiculous JOFA 'helmets' even in the late 90s, current players still wearing them is inexcusable. I can understand why some players don't like visors because it distracts their vision (spare the eye-injuries please) but wearing those old JOFAs is about as useful as wearing baseball cap in a hockey game.

Jagr has no need for these new fangled protective measures! BEHOLD THE MULLET'S REVENGE!!
tom_servo said:

"What are you rebelling against, Jarda?"

"What've you got?" he replies...

Dude... he needs a motorcycle, he should be allowed to play with a damn motorcycle.
Ozzy said:
If you want a brand new one you need to contact Irbe directly. He baught all that was left in JOFA warehouses when they went out of production. No kidding, this is true.
just out of curiosity, do u have a link to back this claim up?
That looks like the old Northland Stan Mikita helmet that Ftorik is sporting. I believe Mike Foligno was the last player to sport one of these. Looks like he should be jumping out of an airplane with that on.

"Besides the jump, the first thing you noticed about Foligno was that he wore this bulbous, retro helmet, the same one throughout his entire career. "I tried those lightweight Jofas, but I felt like I had nothing on my head," he says. "I felt really confident with it. I think a lot of guys went for looks instead of safety." Foligno says he only suffered one concussion during his playing days, on a shift when he'd lost his trusty helmet and hit his head on the ice."

Quote from mattbarr.com.
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