Jagr opens up about Mario.


R.I.P. Pavol.
Dec 30, 2007
Ran across this about an hour ago from Jagr via his Facebook. Kind of random. Interesting stories.

It was all in Czech, so I tried to clean it up.

Po zhlédnutí tohoto videa mám chuť napsat tento pravdivý příběh, který nám ukáže genialitu hráče čísla 66 Maria Lemieuxe. Tato videoukázka popisuje návrat legendy po třech a půl letech strávených na golfových hřiÅ¡tích. Tři a půl skoro bez velké fyzické zátěže - jen rodina a golf. Proč se vůbec Mario vrátil? Jaký byl důvod, když se během své karéry potýkal s častým zraněním zad a celé dva měsíce dokonce vynechal kvůli rakovině lymfatických uzlin? Jak sám, už v té době majitel Pittsburghu Penguins, na videu říká: "Po hokeji se mi stýská a jak vÅ¡ichni víte, já vždy hrál hokej s cílem vyhrát Stanley Cup. Věřím, že tento tým na to má."
V té době stál na střídačce jako trenér Ivan Hlinka.
Možná - ale já vidím ten největší důvod někde jinde. Můj příběh začíná o necelých pět let nazpátek. Píše se datum 24. 3. 1996. Tento den přiÅ¡el na svět tolik očekávaný syn, ne vÅ¡e ale probíhalo tak, jak si vÅ¡ichni rodiče přejí. Austin se narodil o několik měsíců dříve. Nikdo nevěděl, co bude dál, a tak Mario strávil celé tři dny v nemocnici s manželkou a synem. Po třech dnech stresu a bez spánku se mistr 66 dozvěděl skvělou zprávu. SYN BUDE ŽÃT A BUDE ZDRAVÃ. To Maria tak "nakoplo", že se rozhodl nastoupit do zápasu, který se hrál ve stejný den, kdy mu oznámili tuto pozitivní novinu. Bylo to 27. 3. 1996 a my jsme hráli proti St. Louis a jednoznačně vyhráli. Už přesně nevím skóre zápasu, ale vím, že Mario dal ten zápas pět gólů a na další dva nahrál.................... Ne. Není to chyba......... Dal pět gólů + dvě asistence:) Věřte mi, byl jsem tam. A kdo nevěří, stačí se podívat na youtube.
Život Å¡el dál a Lemieux rok na to ukončil "poprvé" kariéru. Psal se
duben 1997, hrálo se první kolo play off proti Philadelphii a Mario dvě minuty před koncem vstřelil gól, který větÅ¡ina fanouÅ¡ků považovala za jeho poslední v kariéře..........
Poté se tři roky věnoval rodině, golfu, ale také svému klubu Penguins, kde byl majitelem. Nevynechal žádný zápas, někdy přiÅ¡el i na tréninky a s ním začal také chodit (v té době už čtyřletý) syn Austin. Také miloval hokej a bez hokejky v ruce neudělal ani ránu. Jednoho dne se dostal do místnosti kustodů a začal se bavit s naším brusičem. A teď přijde to hlavní: Austin - ahoj Steve, co děláš? Steve - ahoj, brousím brusle pro hráče, dnes máme zápas. Já vím, odpoví Austin, také se půjdu podívat. A kdo je ten hokejista na tom plakátě? (plakát Maria Lemieuxe). To je přece tvůj táta, odpověděl Steve....... A můj táta hrál hokej? Steve se na Austina nevěřícně podíval a odpověděl: Tvůj táta byl dlouho nejlepší hokejista na světě......... Aha, to jsem nevěděl. A Å¡el si s úsměvem na tváři hrát s míčkem.................................
Na sto procent vím, že o této krátké rozmluvě mezi Stevem a Austinem se dozvěděl Mario. MĚSÃC NA TO OZNÃMIL, ŽE SE VRACÃ................... První dva zápasy můžete vidět v sestřihu. Bylo to proti Torontu a Ottawě. Oba dva zápasy jsme vyhráli a víte, jaká byla Mariova bilance? Tady je: dva zápasy - dva góly a pět asistencí. Po třech a půl letech volna. NEUVĚŘITELNÃ. Tento příběh o malém Austinovi je podle mého názoru největší důvod, proč se Mario Lemieux opět vrátil na led. Austin konečně viděl naživo hrát svého otce a Lemieux znovu dokázal, že je nejlepší hokejista vÅ¡ech dob.

After watching this video I want to write this true story that shows us the genius of the player number 66 Mario Lemieux. This short video describes the return of a legend after three and a half years spent on golf courses. Three and a half almost without great physical exercise - a family and golf. Why even Mario back? What was the reason, when during his frequent injury he struggled with a back injury for two months even missed due to cancer of the lymph nodes? As he, at that time owner of the Pittsburgh Penguins, the video says: "When I miss hockey, and as you all know, I always played hockey to win the Stanley Cup. I believe that this team has it."
At the time, he stood on the bench as coach Ivan Hlinka.
Maybe - but I see the greatest reason somewhere else. My story begins on less than five years ago. It writes the date 24. 3. 1996. This day was born much-awaited son, but not everything went the way you want all parents. Austin was born a few months earlier. Nobody knew what would happen next, and so Mario spent three days in the hospital with his wife and son. After three days without sleep and stress are 66 master learned a great message. SYN will live and be healthy. To Maria and "kicked" that he decided to take up the match, which was played on the same day that he announced this positive news. 27. 3. It was 1996 and we played against St. Louis and clearly won. Already I know exactly match score, but I know that Mario gave the match five goals and two more crossed .................... Son It is not a mistake ......... put five goals two assists :) Believe me, I was there. And who does not believe, just look at youtube.
Life went on and Lemieux ended the year on a "first" career. It was the
April 1997, played the first playoff round against Philadelphia and Mario two minutes before the end scored the goal that most fans consider to be his last in his career ..........
Then three years he devoted to the family, golf, but also his club Penguins, where he was the owner. Missed no game has ever come on training as it also began to walk (at that time four years), son Austin. Also loved hockey without a stick in his hand did not blow. One day he came into the room and began curators have fun with our grinder. Now comes the main thing: Austin - Hi Steve, what are you doing? Steve - hello, sharpen skates for players today have a game. I know, it responds Austin, also I will go to see. And who is the hockey player on that poster? (Poster Mario Lemieux). That's your dad, Steve replied ....... And my dad played hockey? Steve said to Austin to disbelief and said, Your father has long been the best hockey player in the world ......... Oh, I did not know. And he went on with a smile on his face playing with a ball .................................
One hundred percent know about the brief conversation between Steve and Mario Austin had learned. MONTH TO ANNOUNCES THAT RETURNS ................... first two games, you can see the excerpts. It was against Toronto and Ottawa. Both matches are won and know what was Mario's balance? Here it is: two games - two goals and five assists. After three and a half years off. Incredible. The story of a small Austin is in my opinion the biggest reason why Mario Lemieux returned to the ice. Austin finally saw his father play live and Lemieux once again proved that he is the best hockey player of all time.



Fancy Gina Carano
Jun 13, 2010
Despite "Dying Alive", I bet Jagsy would be a great guy to sit down and have a beer with.


Registered User
May 23, 2004
Despite "Dying Alive", I bet Jagsy would be a great guy to sit down and have a beer with.

I have some third hand Jagr stories that make it hard not to like the guy. As I've heard it he was (maybe still is?) very cavalier with his money, but without being ostentatious. The modern equivalent is probably Rob Gronkowski; an unstoppable freight train of partying.

K Fleur

Mar 28, 2014
Great stuff!

I don't think I've ever read/heard Jagr say anything about Lemieux that wasn't glowing praise.

Luigi Lemieux

Registered User
Sep 26, 2003
Like many of us, it really seems like Jagr is in awe of Mario. And being one of the greatest players of all time himself, can probably appreciate Mario's genius on a level we cannot. Was a pleasure watching them play together, especially the couple of years where their primes overlapped, 95-96 and 96-97.


Hop in the Cordoba, Baby, we're goin' bowlin!
May 25, 2006
Good stuff! Thanks, Harv.

Now if only Jags would honor that, "I'd play for Mario for league minimum." comment from a few years back.


Registered User
Jun 13, 2014
Like many of us, it really seems like Jagr is in awe of Mario. And being one of the greatest players of all time himself, can probably appreciate Mario's genius on a level we cannot. Was a pleasure watching them play together, especially the couple of years where their primes overlapped, 95-96 and 96-97.

Its crazy to think about. If a guy like Jagr, who is absolutely in the top 10 all time greatest players, can look at another player and be in AWE? You're right .. we can not even come close to appreciating how special Mario was.

I know that ship has sailed, but gosh it would have been great if would be to retire in a Pens jersey.

Meh, even Jagr today would be the 3rd best winger on the Pens.

Scandale du Jour

Mar 11, 2002
Asbestos, Qc
Its crazy to think about. If a guy like Jagr, who is absolutely in the top 10 all time greatest players, can look at another player and be in AWE? You're right .. we can not even come close to appreciating how special Mario was.

Meh, even Jagr today would be the 3rd best winger on the Pens.

If we could give him the "Mario schedule" and keep him fresh, he absolutely could be.

Harvey Birdman

…Need some law books, with pictures this time…
Oct 21, 2008
Penguins Legal Office
Not surprisingly, casinos offer free drinks to deep pockets...

To deep pockets? Casinos offer free drinks period... :laugh:

I am quite the opposite of "deep pockets", but once every blue moon. About once or twice a year I like to sit down at a poker table and play cards for an evening into the late hours, and all the times I've been on a poker table in a casino I've maybe paid for a handful of my drinks.

The trick is to buy one drink, then when they ask you if you want a refill say no, and that combined with if you are not being loose with your money and playing tight aka grinding it out, the free booze comes to try and loosen your grip on the chips. When this happens just enjoy the free drinks but don't get to smashed that you just blindly go all in and it's almost always a good evening.


Sep 17, 2014
To deep pockets? Casinos offer free drinks period... :laugh:

I am quite the opposite of "deep pockets", but once every blue moon. About once or twice a year I like to sit down at a poker table and play cards for an evening into the late hours, and all the times I've been on a poker table in a casino I've maybe paid for a handful of my drinks.

The trick is to buy one drink, then when they ask you if you want a refill say no, and that combined with if you are not being loose with your money and playing tight aka grinding it out, the free booze comes to try and loosen your grip on the chips. When this happens just enjoy the free drinks but don't get to smashed that you just blindly go all in and it's almost always a good evening.
I stand corrected sir & thanks for the M.O.!

Might come in handy one night, screwing them instead of the opposite.


Registered User
Jan 4, 2013
Watching those goals brings back memories. The greatest player ever, IMO.


Registered User
Oct 31, 2010
To bad Shero opted to keep Tyler Kennedy over a top 5 winger in the history of the game...

Honour Over Glory

Fire Sully
Jan 30, 2012
It is best to be sober when gambling, which is apparently all of the time.


When Jagr goes broke and tries to play in the KHL as a 50yr old, I will feel no pity for him, for he has rich people problems and those are problems I can sit back and be Nelson Muntz and laugh.

Honour Over Glory

Fire Sully
Jan 30, 2012
To bad Shero opted to keep Tyler Kennedy over a top 5 winger in the history of the game...

We laugh about Tyler Kennedy, but we haven't seen this team replace Tyler Kennedy at all, so you can play that stupid card all day, everyone usually does here, but for as ugly as sin as Tyler looked, and sadly how injury prone he became, he was one of the best 3rd line wingers this team has had since the lockout, maybe even longer.

And speaking of Man-Bear-Pig face...he's a UFA. If Tyler Kennedy is open to coming back to the Penguins and reaches out, I would throw him a Comeau/Downie type of deal for 1yr.

This team would be immensely better in the bottom 6 for it.


Registered User
Feb 26, 2013
We laugh about Tyler Kennedy, but we haven't seen this team replace Tyler Kennedy at all, so you can play that stupid card all day, everyone usually does here, but for as ugly as sin as Tyler looked, and sadly how injury prone he became, he was one of the best 3rd line wingers this team has had since the lockout, maybe even longer.

And speaking of Man-Bear-Pig face...he's a UFA. If Tyler Kennedy is open to coming back to the Penguins and reaches out, I would throw him a Comeau/Downie type of deal for 1yr.

This team would be immensely better in the bottom 6 for it.

Sorry, but you're wrong here. Kennedy was great during the cup run but you take jagr everyday over a third line energy guy. I'm more apologetic with shero than most but that was straight up dumb.


Registered User
Oct 31, 2010
We laugh about Tyler Kennedy, but we haven't seen this team replace Tyler Kennedy at all, so you can play that stupid card all day, everyone usually does here, but for as ugly as sin as Tyler looked, and sadly how injury prone he became, he was one of the best 3rd line wingers this team has had since the lockout, maybe even longer.

And speaking of Man-Bear-Pig face...he's a UFA. If Tyler Kennedy is open to coming back to the Penguins and reaches out, I would throw him a Comeau/Downie type of deal for 1yr.

This team would be immensely better in the bottom 6 for it.

this is a joke right?

I'm sorry Tyler Kennedy over Jagr at the time was idiotic, to look back now with 20/20 hindsight and say it was the right move, is mind blowingly wrong headed imo.
Points for both since Ray Shero's adventure with Turtles...

Tyler Kennedy has 22G, 56A
Jagr 109G, 176A

Yea, that's pretty close...

You really want to say that Jagr on a line with Malkin wouldn't have a greater positive impact for the Pens then retaining TK ? A Jagr-Malkin-Neal line would have been crazy good.

I'll hold on to my "Stupid" card...


R.I.P. Pavol.
Dec 30, 2007
And speaking of Man-Bear-Pig face...he's a UFA. If Tyler Kennedy is open to coming back to the Penguins and reaches out, I would throw him a Comeau/Downie type of deal for 1yr.

Just to throw fuel on the fire, he's married to the Mattress World girl out on
McKnight Rd.




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