Post-Game Talk: Jackets 3, Oilers 1

Soliloquy of a Dogge

I love you, Boots
Aug 8, 2012
San Diego, CA
I am just curious what we could get for either RNH or Eberle. Do we re-visit the Isles and start talking Hamonic? They are making 12 mil so something has to give. I am at the point that I hate Nuge but I am starting to think I really miss Todd Nelson. Could this organization swallow it's pride and call either Kruger or Nelson? The team played hard under those coaches. I don't understand MacLellan's methods. Too much line shuffling. I can't see playoffs this year. We are too weak

Krueger is chairing Southampton. Doubt he would ever leave that position to coach in the NHL, anywhere.


Registered User
Nov 20, 2014
Charlie Brown: (to Linus) “I think there must be something wrong with me Linus. I just don't understand the Oilers, I guess. We might be getting wins and some points and we’re currently 12th overall, but I'm still not happy. I don't feel the way I'm supposed to feel.”

Linus: “Charlie Brown, you are the only person I know who can take this hopeful 16/17 hockey season turn it into a problem. If someone would have said we’d be in 12th place before Christmas this year, we would have been over the moon! It just wasn’t reasonable to think we’d make the playoffs one year after finishing second to last place. Maybe Lucy is right. Of all of the Charlie Browns in the world, you are the Charlie Brownest.”


"That's just like, your opinion, man"
Oct 16, 2005
Bowling Alley
Halfway through the third shots we're 12-0 Cbus. Pretty even alright.


Columbus definitely took it to the Oilers late in the game but Oilers dominated the opening 25 minutes of the game. Shots were 18-6 at one point.

Difference in the game from my stand point was Bob kept Columbus in the game early and Talbot didn't steal the game late.

Oilers are simply not a good enough team to win games consistently with average to below average goaltending. Not many teams are....

Look at the Kings without Quick this season, or the Habs last year without Price. Hell even the Flames have turned their season around the second their goaltending got hot and helped them steal some wins and gain some confidence.


Aug 25, 2010
Oil Country
This is dumb. The Oilers have had plenty of games where they've played like an elite team. Including games in the last 24. Washington, St. Louis, Chicago, were all great games against elite teams.

The Oilers were gassed last night, plain and simple. You only have to look as far as Connor McDavid's game last night to see how little the Oil have left in the tank. And no practice time on top of that.

Lets see what they do on Saturday, and then after the Christmas break. The team is miles better than they've been at any point in the last ten years.

And what of the 6 games against Buffalo, Toronto, Arizona?

The fact that we're miles better is more a comment on how tragically bad we were over the last ten years.

Yeah we're improved, Yeah it's not as bad as previous seasons. But the pattern is worrisome over a significant period of time. 25 games is a decent stretch to draw a few conclusions. Schedule exhaustion excuses fall flat when the Flames have actually excelled with the same problem.

I think the step that needs to happen is being able to win a game without Connor McDavid going. Don't think that's been seen yet.


Registered User
Mar 24, 2013
Our team got completely owned at every level.

Columbus played a very good hockey game.

They are a very good team.


From the time Columbus tied the game I thought they were in complete control the rest of the night. People can blame the loss on Bobrovsky being better than Talbot if they want but the entire team was better. Columbus knows how to win the tight games and for some reason we don't. They toyed with us for the last half of the game and ended up winning while exerting the least amount of effort. I'd call that total team dominance.


Registered User
Mar 24, 2013
He has put on weight, that's why all his explosiveness is gone. Gagner actually went through a similar thing in Edmonton, went all out on the muscle gain and compromised his speed.

People have short memories I guess. Gagner bulking up and losing his explosiveness was discussed at length on here over the years as was the possibility of the same thing happening to Nuge if he tried putting weight on too. What's happening to Nuge shouldn't be a surprise to anybody anymore. It was predicted a couple years ago. It isn't just speed either, it's also quickness. Take that away from him and there isn't much of a player left.


Registered User
Dec 24, 2005

From the time Columbus tied the game I thought they were in complete control the rest of the night. People can blame the loss on Bobrovsky being better than Talbot if they want but the entire team was better. Columbus knows how to win the tight games and for some reason we don't. They toyed with us for the last half of the game and ended up winning while exerting the least amount of effort. I'd call that total team dominance.

It really was the double minor penalty that was the turning point. Oilers lost all the momentum they had doing nothing on that PP and never could get it back. The few times they threatened Bobrovsky was there to keep the score the same.


Registered User
May 9, 2013
Agreed w/ everyone wondering about all the damn line changes. Think about the logic, here: Pitter scores one goal, ONE chippy, secondary-scoring type goal, and suddenly that means he's up on the 1st line. And he scored his goal without McDavid... what's the logic of moving him up with Mcdavid? Really weird decision.


Win it for Ben!
Apr 9, 2010
Agreed w/ everyone wondering about all the damn line changes. Think about the logic, here: Pitter scores one goal, ONE chippy, secondary-scoring type goal, and suddenly that means he's up on the 1st line. And he scored his goal without McDavid... what's the logic of moving him up with Mcdavid? Really weird decision.

McLellan was rewarding him for it. But it as the wrong decision in the grand scheme of things.


Tier 2 Fan
Aug 1, 2003
People have short memories I guess. Gagner bulking up and losing his explosiveness was discussed at length on here over the years as was the possibility of the same thing happening to Nuge if he tried putting weight on too. What's happening to Nuge shouldn't be a surprise to anybody anymore. It was predicted a couple years ago. It isn't just speed either, it's also quickness. Take that away from him and there isn't much of a player left.

It can depend on how you add the weight too. You can do the wrong things. If Nuge is still working out with his brother all summer, then it's very likely he is screwed. If he was working with Gary Roberts or someone like that, could be different story.


Registered User
Feb 8, 2008
Agreed w/ everyone wondering about all the damn line changes. Think about the logic, here: Pitter scores one goal, ONE chippy, secondary-scoring type goal, and suddenly that means he's up on the 1st line. And he scored his goal without McDavid... what's the logic of moving him up with Mcdavid? Really weird decision.

Thought the exact same thing. Reward him for his good play by keeping him in the lineup, and a regular shift on one of the bottom lines. Love the way the guy plays and all, but he should not be a regular top sixer. Fumbled away at least 2 great scoring opportunities last night.


Registered User
Feb 8, 2008
Columbus definitely took it to the Oilers late in the game but Oilers dominated the opening 25 minutes of the game. Shots were 18-6 at one point.

Difference in the game from my stand point was Bob kept Columbus in the game early and Talbot didn't steal the game late.

Oilers are simply not a good enough team to win games consistently with average to below average goaltending. Not many teams are....

Look at the Kings without Quick this season, or the Habs last year without Price. Hell even the Flames have turned their season around the second their goaltending got hot and helped them steal some wins and gain some confidence.

To be fair to Talbot, the first goal was a PP goal and went off Gagner's skate and in. No chance. The 2nd one was a Gagner pass intended for the point man, but again, hit a skate and the puck flew over to a surprised wide open Atkinson who fired a bang bang shot. The last one was horrible coverage by Davidson, which yes, he could have saved, but it would have been a big one.
Bobrovsky was all world in the first half of the game though. Stopped at least 4-5 sure goals from my view in the seats. In my mind, the best opposition goaltending performance I've seen against us this year. Sometimes you just have to give the other guy props without dissing your own.


Registered User
May 9, 2013
Thought the exact same thing. Reward him for his good play by keeping him in the lineup, and a regular shift on one of the bottom lines. Love the way the guy plays and all, but he should not be a regular top sixer. Fumbled away at least 2 great scoring opportunities last night.

Yeah, and chemistry doesn't develop overnight. It takes 5-10 games for a line to start gelling. You can't spastically break a line up because a single goal was scored. Crazy.


Registered User
Dec 23, 2005
They do though. This isn't ice capades out there, this is grown men out there and if you are not commited to strength training in this league then you better have otherworldly skill like a McDavid does.
Better have otherworldly skill like McDavid or else what? Or else hfoil is going to crucify you for being born with the genes for a 185cm/95kg body? Cause honestly that's what it seems like to me.

People rave about McDavid precisely because he is otherworldly. Above average players with undersized physiques are not going to be otherworldly in the NHL. They are going to be above average most nights, great sometimes and poor sometimes. I fail to understand why this is so hard for some posters to understand. And I hasten to add that I'm not talking about you here because I think you are mostly fair to players like Gagner, Eberle, RNH etc. Its the 'addition by subtraction' crowd that just doesn't seem to comprehend how tough it would be to play top six in today's NHL as an undersized guy and have consistent, sustained success.

I don't disagree that some of these guys may need to put on a little upper body muscle. I would only assume that if you are in the NHL you are working out at least five days a week under the guidance of a professional trainer who knows better than you or I what that individual needs. But take Eberle for example. Here's a guy that will not make a hit 90% of the time. Even a good, solid, legitimate hit. He won't take it. He kind of turns his body sideways and goes in soft. That's not a lacking upper body strength problem imo. That's a lacking willingness to physically engage problem. Its up to the team/coach to express how unacceptable that is. You cannot be afraid to 'have your number taken' and still say that you are being the best player you could be. Its pretty simple. And its probably about the only thing I agree with in the litany of claims and blames the detractors want to lay on Eberle, or RNH, or whichever undersized 'dangler' this board decides to stomp on.
I noticed in Gagner too today that's harder to push off the puck. He wasn't swimming for the puck any time there was contact.
Gagner is way tougher than RNH or Eberle. But he still got called soft all the time by the board experts.
His problem has always been his skating just isn't that great. Especially his first few strides. It still isn't great but look where Columbus used him on the PP. Right where his skating isn't in danger of costing the team a SHG against and right where his puck distribution skills and quick release are likely to bear the most fruit. But not the Oilers. They are so dumb and arrogant that they think they are going to reinvent the wheel and utilize their players in 'new and creative' ways. :facepalm:


Registered User
Aug 30, 2009
Our PP sucks yet it is 6th in the league and this is without a bomb from the point or a Mcdavid goal.

The team sucks yet we are third in the division and 12th in the league.

No one is happy unless we are first in everything and blowing out every team.

Took a pill in Sbisa

Apr 23, 2004
I don't buy the whole the whole 'McLellan shouldn't have put Pitlick on the top line' as a reason for the loss.
Pitlick played great on that line and should have had a second goal off that cross crease pass from McDavid that Bobrovsky stood on his head to make.
A lot
Of our wingers wouldn't have been able to get that shot off, and players like Eberle wouldn't even worked hard enough to get open for that pass.

Our PP should definitely have been better. I don't like Sekera on the QB role. I wonder what Matt Benning would look like there as he has a knack to get his shots through traffic.
I liked our defense tonight as well. Having Russell and Davidson back really relaxes me as I was watching.
If I were to blame this loss on anything it would be special teams.


pickle juice connoisseur
May 17, 2010
Our PP sucks yet it is 6th in the league and this is without a bomb from the point or a Mcdavid goal.

The team sucks yet we are third in the division and 12th in the league.

No one is happy unless we are first in everything and blowing out every team.

Have you been watching the games?


The Seldom Seen Kid
Mar 3, 2004
Our PP sucks yet it is 6th in the league and this is without a bomb from the point or a Mcdavid goal.

The team sucks yet we are third in the division and 12th in the league.

No one is happy unless we are first in everything and blowing out every team.


This board is ridiculous. Everything will be fine again once the team gets rested and gets some practice time.

Until then we get to read through endless hyperbole in threads like this including gems like Kruger should be coach.

Good grief. :shakehead


Registered User
Feb 22, 2013
Edmonton, Alberta

This board is ridiculous. Everything will be fine again once the team gets rested and gets some practice time.

Until then we get to read through endless hyperbole in threads like this including gems like Kruger should be coach.

Good grief. :shakehead

Yeah the hyperbole can reach some highs especially around game time. With that said, despite being #6 on the PP, I think this team could easily be in the top 3 if they utilized Jesse right on the PP. There's just so many skilled players on our PP and McDavid can really back defences up on the PP. Its too bad he doesn't have a dangerous shot because I think he'd easily have another 5 goals this year if he was a threat to shoot on the PP.


Registered User
Feb 22, 2013
Edmonton, Alberta
I don't buy the whole the whole 'McLellan shouldn't have put Pitlick on the top line' as a reason for the loss.
Pitlick played great on that line and should have had a second goal off that cross crease pass from McDavid that Bobrovsky stood on his head to make.
A lot
Of our wingers wouldn't have been able to get that shot off, and players like Eberle wouldn't even worked hard enough to get open for that pass.

Our PP should definitely have been better. I don't like Sekera on the QB role. I wonder what Matt Benning would look like there as he has a knack to get his shots through traffic.
I liked our defense tonight as well. Having Russell and Davidson back really relaxes me as I was watching.
If I were to blame this loss on anything it would be special teams.

Funny thing about mentioning that cross crease save that McDavid made is that if it was Caggiula still there it probably goes in because it was on Pitlick's backhand and he wasn't able to elevate it over the pad. Pitlick also missed a wide open net off a rebound so he certainly was getting his chances. Unfortunately those pucks don't go in otherwise we'd be laughing thinking it was a great move to put Pitlick on the top line. Honestly should have had a 2nd goal, and if he gets that backhand up another 6 inches he's got a hat trick.


Registered User
Aug 25, 2013

We're nowhere close to being a playoff team. Backup goalie has zero to do with it..unless he's an actual #1,,and even then, that doesn't fix the forward group.

Aside from the few early wins where they caught some teams at the beginning of the season before they were ready (and they weren't prepared for McD), the Oilers have been garbage.

Since the hot start, they've played 22 games and won 8. That puts them right where they've been the last 10 years.

All the usual excuses of the refs, backup goalie, a couple of players, etc..don't wash after 10 years.

By Xmas they will be out of a playoff spot and right back where they've always been.
As much as people want to believe this team is different, they simply aren't. One player cannot carry a team of 19.

I think this is a load of crap. I'll even take away the obvious overstatement of "nowhere near". as to the "a couple of players"...... isn't that what your saying? I think this team right here is good enough to make the playoffs they just need to buy into that.

And no Connor isn't the only player here that can play


The Seldom Seen Kid
Mar 3, 2004
Yeah the hyperbole can reach some highs especially around game time. With that said, despite being #6 on the PP, I think this team could easily be in the top 3 if they utilized Jesse right on the PP. There's just so many skilled players on our PP and McDavid can really back defences up on the PP. Its too bad he doesn't have a dangerous shot because I think he'd easily have another 5 goals this year if he was a threat to shoot on the PP.

There certainly are things that could be tweaked...I agree with that.

That certainly doesn't justify some of the over the top reactions around here.
This team is 15-12 and is better than average in most statistical metrics...when you consider that this was accomplished after an extremely nasty part of the schedule its bewildering how many posters are marching with pitchforks.

This team surely has exceeded any predictions made prior to October. The reactions here are completely disproportionate.


Registered User
Feb 22, 2013
Edmonton, Alberta
There certainly are things that could be tweaked...I agree with that.

That certainly doesn't justify some of the over the top reactions around here.
This team is 15-12 and is better than average in most statistical metrics...when you consider that this was accomplished after an extremely nasty part of the schedule its bewildering how many posters are marching with pitchforks.

This team surely has exceeded any predictions made prior to October. The reactions here are completely disproportionate.

The hot start did a lot of harm around here tbh. Expectations got really high after that, and the rough stretch of late levelling out the unsustainable start has put people on suicide watch.


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