Looking at 16 year old tournaments isn't relevant... the quality of play and structure even for elite levels changes so much from what the hockey looks like at a world hockey challenge to even u-18s, there's too much development going on in those years...not to mention for that specific one its a us team thats been playing together, and hughes year was an especially good one overall, while canada throws a couple regional teams together just prior
hughes had a great u-18s, no one would say otherwise, but thats another one where you have to keep in mind the continuity of the us team canada doesn't have. although one may note hughes was completely shut down in the gold medal game.
one key thing not mentioned about hughes being injured in the 19 world juniors is it was entirely his fault...he put himself in a position to get bundled by not being aware, and that was against team kazakhstan. it was a perfectly clean hit where he never picked his head going for a puck...he cannot put himself in spots like that if he's gonna survive in the nhl. i didn't see much of canada in 19, though laf did make the team d-1 while hughes did not make the us the prior year - and he was also likely buried on the canada bench and brought largely to get experience to be a leader the following year. sure he could have played his way up the lineup - would be interested to see some of his play that year to see what the eyeball test looked like rather than the statistics. certainly fair to consider since both were there..was also another gold medal game jack was so so at best
the worlds - look good for jack. showed well for his age at 17. but then again kakko was far better there than him, after besting him in the 18 and 20 gold medal games. so its not like he was even the best draft eligible there. and hey - its an awesome thing for him to get that experience, and its certainly an achievement to be considered / make a team like that...so 0 taken away from him there. but to note laf wasn't selected is just...head scratching. not sure if you're aware but the us has made it a priority to bring in some future talent on those teams annually. canada, meanwhile, does not do this...mostly because they have a far deeper pool of nhl guys with early summers to select from. its one thing to acknowledge jack for going and flashing some potential, but to knock laf for not going with canada is ignorant of reality. not to mention i'm not sure if there's been anyone selected prior to their draft year...i don't care enough to research that - prob an instance or 3 but id be shocked if it was a can/rus/swe/us team that did it
bottom line i don't have anything against jack. i love his style of play and was a much bigger fan of his than kakko last year. a year in, kakko's grown on me, but jack is going to be electric. he's another barzal type in how his skating and handles will carry the pace of shifts and we'll see how much offense he'll be able to add. i don't think him and laf are that close as prospects personally - to me laf brings just as much skill/hands, more size, i think better iq, physical, better shot...he's just far more well rounded and his production has been at the elite level...i also value that his production has sort of elevated continually into the draft where i did feel at times his draft year jack leveled. if you're looking at them as who you take on draft day as the higher probability player to be a franchise guy, its laf no question. i've seen and heard similar sentiment... by their draft i think hughes was closer to kakko than either are to laf as prospects. the former two look like they could become high end 1st line players/producers if everything works out, but laf is a guy that has the potential to be in that elite tier...not quite crosby/mcdavid level, but mackinnon/matthews are the sphere he belongs in. either way, they're all so young and so much can happen who knows what this looks like in 10 years. and at the end of the day i have my reasons for my opinion much the same as you have yours, doubt either of us will be the first posters in history to say "you know what, after reading how you see it i take back my thoughts and agree with yours" so we have that working against us