ok you caught me. I actually created the goalie numbers myself from their stats since they don't actually do goalie percentile rankings (that I can find at least).
What I did was just take the last 2yrs of gar/60 goalie data and upped the minimum minutes until it narrowed the list down to 51 goalies (I wanted to get to 50, but 51 was the best i could do), and then just took their ranking amongst the top 50 goalies and translated that into their number. (it';s easy with 50 goalies - just double the number to get to their percentile ranking). This is of course not nearly the right way to do it but what the hey. oh and then for backups that didn't meet the minimum minutes I ranked them according to their closest comparables amongst the top 50 - so in this case the starter ranking and backup rankings mean very different things.
Basically, Anderson's 76 ranking means that he ranked 12th out of the 50 top minute goalies in gar/60 the last 2yrs (2x12 = 24, 100-24 - 76). Price's 46 ranking means that he ranked 27th (27x2 = 54, 100-54 = 46).